6 O’Clock 52 degrees F, Precipitation 90%, Humidity 98%, Wind 17 mph, Rain The sky is darkened by 6:29 pm. It is not dark out yet . . . Sunset for (Tuesday) October 1st, 2019: 6:31 pm. By 6:42 pm the sky could be classified as “dark” by the most average people. Skies were slightly apocalyptic above the city, the falling rain had this appearance. 7 O’Clock 52 degrees F, Precipitation 100%, Humidity 98%, Wind 14 mph, Rain 8 O’Clock 52 degrees F, Precipitation 100%, Humidity 97%, Wind 14 mph, Rain 9 O’Clock 52 degrees F, Precipitation 90%, Humidity 98%, Wind 13 mph, Rain 10 O’Clock 52 degrees F, Precipitation 90%, Humidity 98%, Wind 15 mph, Rain 11 O’Clock 52 degrees F, Precipitation 90%, Humidity 92%, Wind mph 15, Rain Midnight - 54 degrees F, Precipitation 40%, Humidity 90%, Wind 7 mph, Rain 1 AM 54 degrees F, Precipitation 40%, Humidity 91%, Wind 8 mph, Scattered Showers 2 AM 54 degrees F, Precipita...
These observations/documentations are from Juneau, AK, 99801 (for art and reference). Nightly weather journals posted before September (2019) were written in Petersburg (AK, 99833).