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Stargazing Event ~ Spring 2019

An ordinary two weeks in weather, forecasts, and observations. For late February to early March, the temperatures were the average yearly documented for these months. 

(Sunday the 3rd of March, 2019)
34 degrees F, 0% Precipitation , 44% Humidity, Wind 4 mph, hi/lo - 34/18, Sunny 

(At 8 PM, March 4th, 2019, S.E. region of Alaska)
26 degrees F, Precipitation 0 %, Humidity 0%, Wind 0 mph, hi/lo - 37/21, Clear/Sunny)

“A few nights of phenomenal rule in the cosmic realm, conditions for the stargazer were remarkably prodigious. There have been some Elohim tones in the atmosphere. The ambience at sunset for the past two nights has been dark, heavy, hollow, with a somber dusk...” 

NIGHTFALL was at 6:40 pm, on Tues., March 5th, 2019

From March 3rd to March 5th/6th we received the perfect semblance for a seasonal panorama of the universe, with the temperature still in the 30’s, and greater stretches of bright, daylit hours under clear skies - more seconds, to minutes, in a day. Included in this were  the consecutive days in a week with “Sunny” as the main topic of forecast and observation. “A gem” in polarities has been the highlight of this short pre-season opening to Spring. For eight days; the outside world held the beauty of an atmosphere ideal for anyone interested in astronomy... Lesser light pollution provided a view to the sparkling assembly who invite a viewer as they beckoned and were further lit-up during the midnight hour... creating a contrasting night of authoritarian light to the warming amber rays which are cast by the sun, thawing the first two layers of earth... A temperature range that feels somewhere between 28 degrees and 45, in a period of 24 hours, awakens the core of an internal adventurer... The spirit of exploration in the human race is invoked and on the verge of a breakthrough. To an imaginative mind, the merging of seasons, when noticed, is much like the opposing forces of  ice throughout the frigid glacial deposits of Alaska. As an observer, it was noted, that the undeniably dark hours preceding, and then following the sunset, contained something of an active and smothering darkness. As a bystander in research, for the fifth year in a row, it is interpreted as a natural point of polarity during seasonal transitions, which is made in the alternating patterns of light and dark, as polarity seems to be unique in Alaska.”

Personal observations from my area, are, as follows: 

“By 11 pm all elements of darkness, in expression, are gone. The night was filled with a Spring greeting, it’s illumination soaring through the stars, in seconds, at the speed of light. It was a ‘different’ light altogether. Some original activity was reported in celestial bodies, and from them, in the surrounding areas.”

Some notes from, our local radio station’s website: 

“Regulus, the heart of Leo, the lion, which lunges high across the south. It's followed by Spica, the leading light of Virgo, which climbs into good view in late evening by the end of the month... A pale pyramid of light sometimes rises from the western horizon on moonless March evenings. It’s called the zodiacal light because it is found in the zodiac. This glow is caused by sunlight reflecting off microscopic dust grains in space. ... The heart of the Milky Way galaxy is above the “spout” of the teapot formed by the stars of Sagittarius, which is low in the southeast at first light. ... The Big Dipper is in the northeast in mid-evening. Through a good telescope, you can spot a small object near the outside corner of the bowl: the Owl Nebula.”

March 5th - March 6th (personal observations cont.): 

March 5th - “... the first of constellations noticed, as an avid sky-viewer, was Orion, and specifically, “The Three Sisters”, which are the composition for Orion’s belt. As the sun begins to climb to the mountains during the dawn hours, the constellation is interpreted as a kite descending to the South, and slowly disappearing behind the N.W. portion of visible horizon. Sirius is still one of the brightest features of the current sky.”


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