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Summer (2019)

Sunday, June 2nd, 2019 - Monday, June 3rd, 2019 

Dispersed overcast for two days, lighter skies could be seen through the clouds, which were lit up by the summer sun. The first notable rain shower (of this season) occurred on Saturday afternoon (1 hour of slightly dense rains fell) and a few rainfalls (taking place for only seconds or moments) in the week before. 

The nights have been perfect in temperature for dwelling in the outside world (temperate). 

Moonrise: 4:44 am
Moonset: 10:01 pm 
Moon phase: 0.1% waning crescent 🌙 

Current S.E. AK weather (99833):
47 degrees F, 6 % Precipitation, 92%, Humidity 92%, hi/lo - 53/46

Calm, overcast. 

  • The weeks forecasted (from the first two months of this season) were of diverse patterns, with sun, rain, light overcasts - or dark grey overcasts - becoming the unpredictable, sound turns. 
  • Stretches of bright and sunny (clear) days were followed by a sudden change in the cloud cover and design/movements which the clouds would make, sweeping accross the sky, and darkening the hours of afternoon sun. A dimly lit outer world suddenly turned to fluorescent greens and brilliant rays, which then converted to clear and bright white light (in seconds). 
  • Foliage in the forested areas is full, more dense, and with more matter throughout the texture of leaves and plants (slightly stronger than they were in the seasons from 2015-2019). The health, vibrancy of colors, and clear space are also noticeable in the forested areas. 
  • Unique patterns from 2019 and other years (2016, 2017 and 2018) which stood out from the rest of the average trends in nature, faded (the rare and noticeable trends which brought specific character to the weather were: haunting fogs, a continually orange luminescence to the midnight glow, dawns and the hours nearing nightfall... other unique characteristics of 2017-2018 were active haunts or spirit-like activity... darknesses covering the town which had some unique characteristics in a soul-like weight... within the air, falling rain and mists held qualities in life force (undescribed), and brought a depth (in the dynamics) of the physics ...  most of this has settled into the environment... 


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