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Observations, Winter - 2021


3:53 pm Sunset Mendenhall Glacier 

3:53 pm Sunset in Juneau 

☁️🌫○ (Conditions: overcast, bright light, Juneauian scene, pastel multi) 44-48° F, 79% humidity … 11/06/2021 10 am

☁️🌫○ 40° F, 89% humidity 11/06/2021 10 am

39° F 89% humidity 11/06/2021 11 am (11:29 am, 44° F, 57% precip., 82% humidity, wind 8 mph) the moon is out at 11:29 am 🌙 - not visible

☁️🌫○39° F 89% humidity 11/06/2021 12 pm the moon is out 🌙 not visible

☁️🌫○41° F  86% humidity 11/06/2021 1 pm the moon is out 🌙 not visible

☁️🌫○37° F  89% humidity 11/06/2021 2 pm the moon is out 🌙 not visible

☁️🌫○41° F 86% humidity 11/06/2021 3 pm the moon is out 🌙 not visible

☁️🌫○43° F  76% humidity 11/06/2021 4 pm the moon is out 🌙 not visible 

The first wintery themes today - 

A forecast of the early winter themes, in images to depict:

Sunset beginning at 4:39 pm... Sunset is almost halfway over at 4:59 pm, maybe just a few minutes before halfway… it is a beautiful romantic sunset of the immortal, 10801, and the vampire

☁️🌫⊙●5:16 pm 40° F, 33% precip., 86% humidity, wind 0 mph 11/06/2021 the moon is out 🌙 not visible, moonset is at 5:42 pm

Waxing Crescent 6% 🌙 (5:25 pm)

☁️🌫 ●39° F 9% precip., 87% humidity, wind 5 mph 6:29 pm (Conditions: cool breeze, partially cloudy, blue backdrop, city night sky - lit) 

4° in The Victim's Realm 

☁️🌫37° F, 24% precip., 48% humidity, wind 3 mph, 7:15 pm

Waxing Crescent 7% 

☁️🌫● (Conditions: cool, slightly more humid, green neon alien light in low nightlight above the city) 36° F, 10% precip., 86% humidity, wind 3 mph - 8:42 pm early-mid., 11/06/2021 LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 the moon is out but not visible 🌙 

9 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm, 12 am, 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, 7 am, 8 am, 9 am 

A bit of bright midnight nightlight (white), darkscale/black, the stars were visible by early morning (Nov. 7th, 2021)... a moving atmosphere in the midnight hours ... 

(temperatures: 30, 30, 30, 28, 29, 29, 29, 28, 28, 26, 29 ° in Fahrenheit) 

All recent data above (no moon) 

12:05 pm moonrise and 5:19 pm is the moonset today, November, 7th, 2021

Waxing Crescent 11% 

35 1 72 6 11:05 

36 1 69 3 300

5:19 pm moonset 

8:13 pm 32° F, 1% precip., 66% humidity, wind 0 mph November 7th, 2021 past moonset (cool, 32° F) black, haunted realms speak in delusions … Waxing Crescent 🌙15% 

The Victim almost died on this night in 2012… and on 1 other level, had, and had to be brought back… this version was able to be kept alive … 

Ursa Major is out … 

32° F 1 71 0

11% Waxing Crescent 

7:32 am 3:51 pm juneau


3:51 Mendenhall 

 37° F 1 55 0 2:34 pm Nov. 8th, 2021

1:16 pm 6:21 pm

7:34 am 3:49 pm Mendenhall 

7:33 am 3:49 pm Juneau (Nov. 7th, 2021)

Heavier weight emotive tones … dark charcoally greyscale with blue tones and mixed pastel light of the heavens. A slightly darker environment- of winter

A bright summer afternoon, a scenic environment (Southeast, Alaska) 

In the Victim's Realm it was 0°, then 1°, then dropping to -1° and possibly -2° … on the Gypsies Roma Twitter page, there is a source link (record of this, of the researcher). 

0 ° in The Victim's Realm … 

A beautiful night of darkness … 

Persecutory of the town of Juneau, AK, is the setting of darkness…

5:29 pm and the sun has set… possibly, exactly 1 hr ago… a bluescale Sunset (back in to Winter), the current historic victim's realm and 10801 speak at the Sunset … tones and vibes from 2020 … immortalized tones from 2020 … 

Now 5:31 pm, much persecution due to the high end reel (an addition to this voivodeship, most current)

34° 1% precip., 60% humidity, wind 0 mph, 5:32 pm November 7th, 2021 

34° F, 1% precip., 67% humidity, wind 5 mph 7:09 pm - a cool breeze, another drop in the temperature… just a fraction of degrees cooler, just before 7:10 am 

37° F, 2% precip., 46% humidity, wind 5 mph one reading last night...

36 31 68 5 10:46 am 

36° F, 31% precip., 68% humidity, wind 0 mph 11:12 am cool, light, City Light greyscale realm… light 4.7 31% Waxing Crescent … 

Pegasus, Cygnus, Lyra, Etamin (Elohim), And Galaxies are bright.

  • 1° in The Victim's Realm… temperatures lineate with patterns in current, relay of information is current? - but the researcher isn't certain… this might be relayed information about the first two years that the subject's spouse was missing from their life … shifts are noted based on a SARE's activity … as far as, why there are shifts to the - from 1 or 0 … this is a reading from Auke Bay, with the temperatures displayed online, even in Auke Bay, as being off by 10 - 20° … 

  • So, mostly, the SARE has luck in heating the environment by remaining outside of any vain realm or practice … in other words, this being called "the ano realm" … but this was just a group of incoming individuals in a Victim's Transitional Housing Facility (Federal) … who were threatened over things such as, attractiveness, being more on the thin side… choosing to attempt living an independent lifestyle… and these are some recent results about this … the researcher went through alot of apps trying to find any radar of the area … this is the first display of Forensics and it's not entirely known what is exactly up-to-date. 10801 houses Christians only and victims were outlandishly threatened. The forensics belong to victims … but outdated Forensics are sometimes temporarily sold for research and science only and in order to fund the victims… (to answer questions such as "What is victimhood like?", "Do victims die?", "Is there any pattern that a person can find in research, to discover a solution to the problems which lead to victimhood? Or details, in data, that a victim can control, in order to prevent victimhood?" …)

Auke Bay is a bit colder … but is posted as 26° F … when the temperature from here is reading as - 1°…. Not only this, but the realm is opening up currently, the haunt speaks, sending out a frozen center … the radar displays a blue earth, the haunt from Mendenhall, very expressively active at 7:25 pm … the researcher wonders if she should hesitate to tell the administration to heat this area or not, because, the seeds for immortal procedures are known to be best used in cold and hot stratification, with seeds from Alaska's Wild Foliage which are farther back on the timeline - being in hardier zones… meaning, the -1° is possibly set to keep an immortal strain of Wilderness medicines? … -1° was encountered at this time of year, about 12 years ago… so, with duplicating the environment - "Will the seeds contain more potential for immortal science?" … is possibly behind the cold abyssmal haunt in the Governmental Site of 10801 … 

And, the researcher doesn't know… 

The first snowflake falls at 2:40 pm, November 7th, 2021… the world descends into this darkness

The vampire stares off, the victim's realm and 10801 present … the vampire sees the victim in a grave in Mendenhall, which opens up… the subject of the beautiful cemetery … a folkloric vampire … 

"You're not dead." The vampire Whispers, noting the presence, equivalent in the vampire's power … 

36 45 73 3 2 pm 11/09/2021

34° 49 81 0 5:41 pm 11/09/2021

33 59 42 0 6:10 pm 


3:47 Mendenhall 


3:49 Juneau

1° recently in the victim's realm 

2 pm 7:46 pm (rise/set)

34% Waxing Crescent 

Dark, stripped darkness … a thin level of darkness…


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