1.4% Waxing Crescent at 12:52 PM …
Today is Friday, November 5th, 2021:
🌧🌨☁️🌫☀️(Conditions: daylight hours, recently, the lightest rainfall) 40° F, 35% precip., 83% humidity, wind 9 mph - 12:54 PM (Summary: The slightest bit of rain, a snowflake, the observer thought they had seen, mostly overcast, with some sun cast through the clouds. Tones: melting into the earth are purple and chromium, diamond-like raindrops with some green tones, spirit-like energies and air, life force, beneath the cloud level, middle level clouds to the height of visible sky… ) 11/05/2021 (early- mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Downtown Juneau, Juneau, Alaska, 99801) the moon is out 🌙 not visible
🌧☁️🌫☀️ (Conditions: daylight hours, lower greyscale overcast, moist, dark foreboding grey traces, not from storms however, just charcoaly energetics and I would describe them as emotive, bright light from beyond, rain recently but not currently, vampirics are noted at the end of this 1 - 2 minute weather summary, from observation, and the atmosphere is moving, living…) 40° F, 7% precip., 83% humidity, wind 9 mph - 1:13 pm Light: 4.5 greyscale (Summary: Slightly brighter, SE Alaska tones and themes, the observer thought they detected the first shade of nightfall, but with notes, the day lightened, so, this is the first sign of controlled environmentalism/environment … no other notes, the city has a slightly moving atmosphere, traffic levels are average, angelic Ageless reapers have some of the traffic and "Juneauian" is the traffic, and, most of the traffic is Juneauian… some odd displays from the modern art realm which were Appollyonic and Slender … the month of October) 11/05/2021 (early- mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Downtown Juneau, Juneau, Alaska, 99801) the moon is out 🌙 notes about the Lunar scene: later on - thecrucible (angel) is noted as posed, sitting on the moon, silver-eyed, and moon is not visible currently
☁️🌫☀️ (Conditions: daylight hours, the same overcast with slightly blue light of heaven and youthful, warm light energy, Light: greyscale 4.5 possibly, then falling back to 4.4 - 4.5, and, possibly this is the first shade of Nightfall - at 2:10 pm) 44° F, 7% precip., 80% humidity, wind 10 mph - 2:12/2:13 pm, 11/05/2021 (early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Downtown Juneau, Juneau, AK, 99801) (Recent tones are depicted below, of this past Fall season, and to current) the moon is out but not visible - the moon is out🌙 2% Waxing Crescent, New Moon no notes, except it seems to be moving in overhead
The first late afternoon twilight of late fall / early winter, today, 11/05/2021 was at 2:23 pm and it was black.
☁️🌫☀️⊙● beginning of Sunset (Conditions: daylight hours, Evening sunlight upon glowy clouds, golden, hopeful, heavenly light, upon the purple/blue Alaskan mountains, the beginning of the Sunset, the sun is setting in the Southwest, light: 4 - 5, the setting is in Sunset, however) 45° F, 15% precip., 79% humidity, wind 8 mph - 3:36 pm, 11/05/2021 (early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801) the moon is not visible - the moon is out 🌙 2% Waxing Crescent
1st quarter of Sunset by 3:58 pm (a pale golden yellowy sunset) - partly clear skies, a heavenly scene, like biblical paintings…
☁️🌫⊙● (Conditions: daylight hours, light: 4.0, fading, in Sunset, clear and dry in the sense of senses, overcast, though, greyscale, quickly darkening at 4:25 pm - descriptions: bluescale, greyscale, charcoal, falling darkness, 10801 energies, possibly a stargazer's night if it were clear, desert mountainous ranges of Alaska are/were probably nice on this night) 44° F, 10% precip., 80% humidity, wind 3 mph - 4:23 pm, 11/05/2021, early-mid., LYM Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 - Light half of Sunset is over at exactly 4:23 pm, moon is out - not visible 🌙 2% Waxing Crescent
Dark portion of Sunset (likely 15 - 20 minutes left in today's sunset). - 4:33 pm
The sunset is over by 5:18 pm.
Aquila is usually noted in the Winter constellations, Aquila is usually slightly mysterious Constellation, expressive of the Northern Sky. Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Nunki, Venus - are low on the left side of the sunset.
Virgo is diving into the waters, behind the sun, next to a scale set above the Sun.
Coma Berenices is presented commonly, recently.
Cassiopea is posed high in the sky, gesturing to the idea of a bright, vain scene.
Polaris hovers above her in the star system.
Mirach is noted as a star of bright magnetic light, spiritual, Mirach stands out to the observer.
Denebola hovers just above the horizon.
(4:55 pm observations, these constellations are likely out - not visible 🏙)
5° in The Victim's Realm
4:55 pm is Juneau Sunset (in posts)
4:55 pm is Mendenhall Glacier Sunset (in posts)
The sunset is over by 5:18 pm approximately, according to the observer.
5:21 pm is the moonset … (not visible)
Dark to black (record of scale, for reading, reverse the scale - 7 is very dark in darkscale, 3 is somewhat dark … a 7 in light scale is pretty bright … ):
7 (measure of darkness at time of sun's descent behind the mountains) - 5:35-6:00 pm
8 - 6:24 - 7:00 -
9 / 8:00 pm
☁️🌫🏙 (Conditions: patchy, dry nightsky, amber-lit) 6 pm a low 40° F, just slightly low, at the actual temperature, 56% precip., 70% humidity, wind 1 - 2 mph breeze (est.), 11/05/2021, early - mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801
☁️🌫🏙 (Conditions: Amber - lit, dark black, patchy skies, a bit of purple backdrop) 7 pm a medium 40° F, 36% precip., 20% humidity, wind 0 - 1 - 2 mph ocean breeze, 11/05/2021, early - mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Downtown Juneau, Juneau, AK, 99801, no moon visible, past moonset (est.)
☁️🌫● (Conditions: the immortal light realm in the first 2-3 hour of darkness, the black immortal shadow realm connected, it is night) 44°F, 8% precip., 81% humidity, wind 3 mph - 8:02 pm, overcast and some clear parts of the night sky 11/05/2021, early - mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, no moon visible - past moonset
☁️🌫● (Conditions: city light, darkscale:9) 43° F, 7% precip., 77% humidity, wind 0 mph, 11/05/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, no moon - past moonset
☁️🌫● (Conditions: black) 44° F, 7% precip., 76% humidity, wind 0 mph, 10:37 pm, early - mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, past moonset 997.5 (sea level)
☁️🌫●11 pm (Conditions: a deepening black night, the average black night) 39 ° F, 89% humidity, wind 10 mph 11/05/2021,early - mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, past moonset 998.0 (sea level)
☁️🌫●12 am (Saturday, November 6th, 2021) 39° F, 89% humidity, wind 10 mph (Conditions: deepening black, just slightly blacker, with white light as the night light) 11/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 998.0 (sea level)
☁️🌫●1 am 41° F, 86% humidity, wind 10 mph (Conditions: black, and the white nightlight), 11/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 998.5 (sea level)
☁️🌫●2 am 37° F, 89% humidity, wind 10 mph (Conditions: overcast, black) 11/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 998.9 (sea level)
☁️🌫●3 am 41° F, 36% humidity, wind 10 mph (Conditions: overcast, black, an amber light) 11/06/2021, early- mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 998.6 (sea level)
☁️🌫● 4 am 43° F, 76% humidity, wind 10 mph (Conditions: overcast, black, fading amber light) 11/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 999.2 (sea level)
☁️🌫 ●⊙5 am 43° F, 76% humidity, wind 10 mph (Conditions: overcast … no other notes) 11/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 998.8 (sea level)
☁️🌫●⊙6 am 43 ° F, 80% humidity, wind 10 mph (Conditions: overcast, no other notes) 11/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 999.8 (sea level)
☁️🌫○7 am 43° F, 80% humidity, wind 7 mph (Conditions: Overcast, no other notes) 12/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 1000.1 ( sea level)
7:28 am Downtown Juneau Sunrise
7:30 am Mendenhall Glacier Sunrise
☁️🌫○8 am 44° F, 76% humidity, wind 6 mph (Conditions: overcast, no other notes) 11/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset 1001 (sea level)
☁️🌫○9:04 am (Conditions: mostly cloudy) am the sun has officially risen 43° F, 87% precip., 81% humidity, wind 18 mph, 11/06/2021, early-mid., LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 past moonset Waxing Crescent 5% 1002.1 (sea level)
3° F in The Victim's Realm at 9:52 am.
11:29 am moonrise
5:42 pm moonset
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