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2021, Winter (weather records)

Date: 11/26/2021

Time: 4:26 pm
Details of Sunset: a bluescale Sunset of 10801 with hues of gold ...
Weather Reading: 33° F, 54% precip., 86% humidity, wind 11 mph - 4:09 pm
Temperature in the Victim's Realm: 1° F
Update about victim: the victim communicated with the voivode about7t everything from Victim's rights to history, to settings and facts about them ...
Moonphase: Waning Gibbous 54%
Initial: LYM
Location: Glacier Highway
Sea Level: high sea level
Tide: The tide is rising ...
Perspective: researcher
Conditions: light Snow, overcast
Inches of Snow or Rainfall: 1/4 inch of fresh snow recently covering trees ...
Twilights: afternoon/evening twlights in pink, ombre and gold
Light Level: currently dark ... darkscale 8
Scale: darkscale
Stars / Zodiac: deneb is noted in spiritual activity from the Zodiac, in the category of agendas ...
Wind Chill: 25° F (- 4° C)
Visibility: 8 miles
Wind Pressure:
Trajectory of Moon: Rises in North, sets in slightly northern part of northwest ...
Trajectory of Sun: Rises in North... sets in slightly Western part of northwest
Observance of darkness: the darkness is of a puzzle-like construction
Data Image:
Voivode Notes (notes for graphing): voivode is in record keeping for EDM
About this Voivode (notes for graphing): this voivode is a vampire ...
Observation of Moon, if Moon is visible: no moon visible currently

(data entry for day profile)
Date: 11/29/2021
Time: 10:18 pm
Sunrise and Sunset:

8:20 am - Sunrise in Mendenhall Glacier
3:13 pm - Sunset in Mendenhall Glacier

8:19 am - Sunrise in Downtown Juneau
3:14 pm - Sunset in Downtown Juneau
states *blank*
Moonrise and Moonset: 1:08 am moonrise, 2:01 pm moonset
Weather Reading: 32° F, 60% precip., 86% humidity, wind 16 mph
Temperature in the Victim's Realm: 0°, snowing
Moonphase: Waning Crescent 25%
Initial: LYM
Location: Glacier Highway
Sea Level: 10 - 15 - 20 feet below coastline/highway
Tide: A falling tide, the next high tide is at 9:07 pm
Perspective: EDM's Wife
Conditions: Slightly heavier and wintery overcast - the first this year ... cold drifts more common ... 1 cold drift
Inches of Snow or Rainfall: less than 1/4 inch of dusty snow on frigid trees ... a few snowfalls
Twilights: no forecast yet, possibly twilights of the Northern land
Light Level: 2 (a slightly brightly lit 2, on the Scale of light, brightness from 1 step beyond the presented atmosphere)
Scale: white Scale, with dull grey, blue and brown undertones (Vermont tones, as undertones and scene beneath City Of Juneau)
Stars / Zodiac: Delphinus, Mars, Altair, Spica, Nath, Denebola, Moon, Pollux, Castor, Scorpius, satellite, Moon, Regulus are noticed - as being upon the viewer's horizon of visible stars in the night sky ...
Wind Chill: 24° F (-4° Celsius)
Wind Pressure: 27.98 (altimeter in) and Sea Level 1008.6
Trajectory of Moon: Rises in North
Trajectory of Sun: Rises just slightly more Eastern part of the North, sets in slightly Western part of Southwest
Description of Sunset:
Description of Moonrise:
Description of Moonset:
Description of Nightfall: a dusty falling of light, the world, to a dullness, dusk
Observance of Darkness: blue cobalt - toned Darkness, some light energy,
Data Image:

Voivode Notes (notes for graphing): no notes, the voivode is looking into herbology and herbalism, belonging to a vampire, for a victim...
About this Voivode (notes for graphing): this voivode's name is Bella, she is a voivode representing the governmental point about voivodeships ...

Observation of Moon, if Moon is visible: no moon visible currently
Notes about this researcher: "... a subculture VC goth, interested in the research regarding vampires, their history, culture and politics which concern them ..."
Observer's notes about Impressions/Expressions: 
And then, Editing, allows theme similar to Winter, Alaskan, Zodiac

Title of Profile: "Wintery Day in 2021, during Voivodeship for EDM, Late November, Dull, Dark, Greyscale"

Date: 11/30/2021
Time: 9:07 am
Sunrise and Sunset:

8:22 am - Sunrise in Mendenhall Glacier
3:12 pm - Sunset in Mendenhall Glacier

8:20 am - Sunrise in Downtown Juneau
3:12 pm - Sunset in Downtown Juneau
states (angelic)

Moonrise and Moonset: 2:40 am moonrise, 2:07 pm moonset
Weather Reading: 34° F, 59% precip., 83% humidity, wind 3 mph
Temperature in the Victim's Realm: 1°
Moonphase: Waning Crescent 16%
Initial: LYM
Location: Glacier Highway
Sea Level: 5 feet below coastline - (posted: 982.2)
Tide: The tide is falling ...
Perspective: EDM's Wife
Conditions: Cool air, overcast
Inches of Snow or Rainfall: less than 1/4 inch of dusty snow on frigid trees ...
Twilights: no twilights yet
Light Level: a slightly high 2 at the center or base of light
Scale: dull, white/brown/blue mix, specifically lightscale
Stars / Zodiac:
Wind Chill:
Wind Pressure:
Trajectory of Moon: Rises in North
Trajectory of Sun: Rises just slightly more Eastern part of the North, sets in slightly Western part of Southwest
Description of Sunset:
Description of Moonrise:
Description of Moonset:
Description of Nightfall:
Observance of Darkness:
Data Image:

Voivode Notes (notes for graphing): The Voivode is organizing schedule for Winter ...
About this Voivode (notes for graphing):
Observation of Moon, if Moon is visible:
Notes about this researcher: same researcher
Observer's notes about Impressions/Expressions:

Title of Profile: "Winter Day 1 (2021)"

🌫☁️❄🌧 (overcast, Winter day, with rain)🌙
Date: 12/01/2021 (Wednesday, December)
Time: 9:00 am
Sunrise and Sunset:

  8:24 am - Sunrise in Mendenhall Glacier
  3:11 pm - Sunset in Mendenhall Glacier

8:22 am - Sunrise in Downtown Juneau
3:11 pm - Sunset in Downtown Juneau

states *she's mine*

Moonrise and Moonset: 4:15 am moonrise, 2:15 pm moonset
Weather Reading: 37° F, 94% precip., 87% humidity, wind 10 mph
Temperature in the Victim's Realm: -
Moonphase: Waning Crescent 8%
Initial: LYM
Location: Glacier Highway Observatory
Sea Level:  feet below coastline/highway (posted: 997.2 -996.3 at 10 am hour)
Tide: the tide is rising
Perspective: Voivode
Conditions: Light Rain and Showers
Inches of Snow or Rainfall: some snow is on the ground, rain this morning
Light Level: almost 2
Scale: white/grey dull, blue ... winter
Stars / Zodiac: Virgo, Regulus
Wind Chill: 26° F (-3° Celcius)
Wind Pressure:  (altimeter in) 29.42
Trajectory of Moon: Rises in North
Trajectory of Sun: Rises just slightly more Eastern part of the North, sets in slightly Western part of Southwest
Description of Sunset: dull, greyscale, Scale of light, Winter day, a powerful sun, the Sunset was full of black and white (greyscale) energetics
Description of Moonrise:
Description of Moonset:
Description of Nightfall:
Data Image:

Voivode Notes (notes for graphing): the voivode is looking into UAS today, and possibly planning coursework for the next 5 years, and the voivode has (finished) writing a schedule
About this Voivode (notes for graphing):
Observation of Moon, if Moon is visible: no moon currently visible
Observer's notes about Impressions/Expressions: Observation

Title of Profile: "Interesting Sunrise, A Winter Day During Voivodeship"

10 am missing

Date: 12/01/2021
Time: 11:13 am
Weather Reading: 36° F, 94% precip., 90% humidity, wind 14 mph
Temperature in the Victim's Realm: 2°
Update about victim: The Voivode first encounters activity concerning the victim on the night of November 30th, 2021... the activity being in the category of preternatural ... and the notes are: serious research will have to be done in order to answer questions honestly ...
Moonphase: Waning Crescent, 8%
Initial: LYM
Location: Glacier Highway Observatory
Sea Level: 995
Tide: a rising tide
Perspective: Widow
Conditions: overcast, slightly more sun beyond the overcast sky ...
Inches of Snow or Rainfall: the same as the 10 am reading
Twilights: no twilights
Light Level: 4
Scale: slightly purplescale
Stars / Zodiac: the sun has an active energy today ...
Wind Chill: 26° F (-3° Celcius)
Wind Pressure: (altimeter in.) 29.38
Trajectory of Moon: --
Trajectory of Sun: --
Data Image:
Voivode Notes (notes for graphing): --
About this Voivode (notes for graphing): --
Observation of Moon, if Moon is visible: no moon visible currently
Observer's Notes about Impressions/Expressions:

Paranormal or spiritual activity today:

Cosmological Observations - EDM

Date: 12/01/2021
Time: 12:19
Weather Reading: 37°F, 94% precip., 90% humidity, wind 18 mph
Temperature in the Victim's Realm: 4°
Update about victim: researcher is still in research
Moonphase: Waning Crescent 8%
Initial: LYM
Location: Glacier Highway
Sea Level: 994.1
Tide: the tide is rising
Perspective: Widow
Conditions: Overcast
Inches of Snow or Rainfall:
Light Level:
Stars / Zodiac:
Wind Chill:
Wind Pressure: (altimeter in.) 29.36
Trajectory of Moon:
Trajectory of Sun:
Data Image: 
Voivode Notes (notes for graphing): the persecution of a widow
About this Voivode (notes for graphing):
Observation of Moon, if Moon is visible:
Observer's Notes about Impressions/Expressions:


Date: 12/01/2021
Time: 2:00 pm
Weather Reading: 36° F, 94% precip., 90% humidity, wind 22 mph
Temperature in the Victim's Realm: 3°, Snow
Update about victim: victim picked Molly for sare, Lauren for widow
Moonphase: Waning Crescent, 7%
Initial: LYM
Location: Glacier Highway
Sea Level: somewhere around 995.4
Tide: The tide is rising ...
Perspective: Widow
Conditions: Overcast
Inches of Snow or Rainfall: frozen landscape of Winter
Twilights: no twilights
Light Level: dropped to 0-1... then back to 2.0 with a shifting level to al

most 2.5

Scale: greyscale overcast with golden light of heavens for a moment t 2:19 pm
Stars / Zod
Wind Chill: 29° F (-3° Celcius)
Wind Pressure: (altimeter in.) 29.4
Trajectory of Moon
Trajectory of Sun:
Voivode Notes (notes for graphing): the persecution of a w
About this Voivode (notes for gra
Observation of Moon, if Moon is vis

Observer's Notes about Impressions/Expressions:

The first shade of falling night is at 2:00 pm.

The moon has set at 2:07 pm
Planetary activity is noted at 1:40 pm ...

The turning of Day into Night - begins about 1 pm (12:30 - 1 pm, details noted)


The above themes, in series, depict recent impressions/Expressions of recent winter days 

Impressions, the depth of Winter

(the first Juneauian themes for this observer's landscapes, depicted in image above)

Center themes of winter 2021-2022

(Some Summer themes present at Winter's Sunrises and Sunsets)

The first Moon of winter, visible to the observer, was last night - (12/11/2021).


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