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Mid-Winter (Data Entry) 2021-2022


28° F - 6:36 pm, 12/21/2021
30° F - 5:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021

27° F - 3:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
25° F - 4:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
27° F - 5:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
27° F - 6:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
27° F - 7:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
24° F - 8:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
23° F - 9:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
20° F -10:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
19° F - 11:00 pm hour, 12/21/2021
21° F - 12 am (midnight) hour, 12/22/2021
17° F - 1:00 am hour 12/22/2021
19° F - 2:00 am hour, 12/22/2021
16° F - 3:00 am hour, 12/22/2021
16° F - 4:00 am hour, 12/22/2021
19° F - 5:00 am hour, 12/22/2021
13° F - 6:00 am hour, 12/22/2021
18° F - 7:00 am hour, 12/22/2021
13° F - 8:00 am hour, 12/22/2021
21° F - 9:49 am hour, 12/22/2021

8:47 am Sunrise  3:08 pm Sunset - Mendenhall
8:45 am Sunrise 3:08 pm Sunset - Juneau

11:35 am, 6:32 pm, moonrise and moonset (12/22/2021)

25° F - 12:41 pm hour, 12/22/2021
Waning Gibbous, 87%

25° F - 1:52 pm, 12/22/2021 (-7°)
11° F - 2pm, 12/22/2021
12° F - 3 pm, 12/22/2021
12° F - 4 pm, 12/22/2021
11° F - 5 pm, 12/22/2021
9° F - 6 pm, 12/22/2021
8° F - 7 pm, 12/22/2021
9° F - 8 pm, 12/22/2021
8° F - 9 pm, 12/22/2021
9° F - 10 pm, 12/22/2021
12° F - 11 pm, 12/22/2021
13 12 am
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21 6 pm blue earth, - 11, 6 pm, Ursa Major is a notification from the Astronomy app ...
18° F - 7:34 pm, 12/24/2021 Waning Gibbous, 68%
16° F - 8:57 pm, 12/24/2021 (-13°F)

Black energy, dull, for the past two days.
18° F - 9:46 pm, 12/24/2021 (-14°)

- 16° F - 6:08 am, 12/25/2021
Traumatic memories of the gory past of victims in the criminal town of Juneau, AK. An angel was witnessed, the angel moved at 10 - 15 mph, and slowed in the snow as I caught the image of in the corner of my eye... the angel was ice pale and had crimson "blood" eyes, and the fierce face of lethal intentions/abilities. The Angel was frightening and I could not simulate what was before me, because of the "killing" energy. It appeared to be the victim's angel and was angered/lost confused regarding the victim... it was an eerie superhuman creature which looked like it did not want anyone to see them and reminded me of "Dracula" or something, regarding ... what I would call them... or how I would describe them - they managed to resume human form and conceal their nature aside from, a bloodline which had security cameras and the administration, which was awake and nearby... the account took place in the dark hours of the morning on Christmas day, in 2021. (👽 Demographics - data -, and documents of paranormal accounts, LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, Mid-Winter, 2021, current)

12° F - 6:31 am, 12/25/2021
-17° F - Victim's Realm
- 15° F - 12:09 am
Waning Gibbous, 53% - -13° F, 10:38 am, 12/26/2021, 12° F

-9° F

black crown, spooky ghost sound ...
Survival supplies list
Scripts for videos ...

"Welcome to The Esoteric Vampire Community, I am Lord Dracula": (notes in video)
The Vampire of Wilno, Ontario (expedition, plans - 2024) - Graves by mors
Educational links

Amalga Cabin, 24600 Amalga Harbor Road, Juneau, Alaska ... 3 day limit stay - 75$ a night

12:45 pm (-7°)

8:47 am Mendenhall

8:45 am
3:09 Juneau

7:57 pm moonrise

Waning Gibbous, 80%

-8° F
-5° F, 4:29 pm, 12/27/2021 (19°) - Waning Crescent, 39%, Neptune and Pollux along Trajectory of Sun... 


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