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Data Entry - Winter (2021-2022)


(depiction, historic, this winter, in 10801 categories)

25° F - 11:04 am, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 - A Wintery scene.
25° F - 12:56 pm, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 - A dull, doom, dim lit afternoon, winter Alaskan landscape.
25° F - 1:37 pm, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 - A dimming afternoon, day turning to night noticed at 1:38 pm. 


25° F - 5:03 pm, Juneau, Alaska, 99801 - The moon is out, it is a Waxing Gibbous 99%.
23° F - 6:00 pm,
19° F - 7:00 pm,
20° F - 8:00 pm, A witches' moon. 🌙
18° F - 9:00 pm,
15° F - 10:00 pm,
14° F - 11:00 pm,
15° F - 12:00 (midnight) am
12° F - 1:00 am
12° F - 2:00 am
13° F - 3:00 am
11° F - 4:00 am
11° F - 5:00 am
10° F - 6:00 am
11°  F - 7:00 am

Other Records:
18° F - 5:55 am, (12/18/2021)
19° F - 7:35 am, (12/18/2021)

Other Records:
19° F - 10:32 am, (12/18/2021)

Other Records: 
The moon is 252, 154 mi from earth. 
The moonrise for 12/18/2021 is 2:24 pm.
The moonset is 8:48 pm.
12° F - 9:00 - 10:00 am hour
10° F - 10:00 - 11:00 am hour
18° F - 11:00 - 12:00 pm hour
19° F - 12:00 - 1:00 (13:00) pm hour

Other Records:
18° F - 1:53
23° F - 1:01 pm, (12/18/2021) - A beautiful sunlit morning and afternoon, however, overhanging clouds of doom in the air/atmosphere/environment.

23° F - 2:25 pm, (12/18/2021), Sunny. Day Begins to Turn to Night. 🌙 Two Afternoon Twilights. ⚜

19° F 9:38 pm, 12/18/2021
12° F - 10:00 pm hour, 12/18/2021
10° F - 11:00 pm hour, 12/18/2021
18° F - 12:00 am (midnight) hour, 12/19/2021
19° F - 1:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
18° F - 2:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
17° F - 3:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
16° F - 4:00 am hour,12/19/2021
16° F - 5:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
15° F - 6:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
16° F - 7:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
15° F - 8:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
14° F - 9:00 am hour, 12/19/2021

17° F - 10:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
20° F - 11:00 am hour, 12/19/2021
20° F - 12:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
20° F - 1:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021

Other Records:
19° F - 8:37 am, 12/19/2021
27° F - 1:13 pm 12/19/2021
25° F - 2:22 pm, 12/19/2021 - Waning Gibbous 99% (-6° F in Victim's Realm)
16° F - 3:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
18° F - 4:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
13° F - 5:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
15° F - 6:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
14° F - 7:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
12° F - 8:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
12° F - 9:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
12° F - 10:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
11° F - 11:00 pm hour, 12/19/2021
11° F - 12:00 am (midnight) hour, 12/20/2021
11° F - 1:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
10° F - 2:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
11° F - 3:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
11° F - 4:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
12° F - 5:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
11° F - 6:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
11° F - 7:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
14° F - 8:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
17° F - 9:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
24° F - 10:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
23° F - 11:00 am hour, 12/20/2021
25° F - 12:00 pm hour, 12/20/2021
26° F - 1:00 pm hour, 12/20/2021
25° F - 2:00 pm hour, 12/20/2021
25° F - 3:00 pm hour, 12/20/2021
27°F - 4:00 pm hour, 12/20/2021
28° F - 5:00 pm hour, 12/20/2021
29° F - 6:00 pm hour, 12/20/2021
9:53 am moonset 3:02 pm moonrise
27° F - 5:18 pm - 4° F in Victim's Realm, 12/20/2012, 5:17 pm
- 4° F to - 5° F in Victim's Realm, 12/20/2012, 7:14 pm, Ursa Major is in constellation list and noted as highlighted Constellation.
3:59 pm is moonrise, 10:42 pm is moonset, Waning Gibbous 96% 🌙 The moon is out and visible.
8:45 am is Sunrise and 3:07 pm is Sunset in Juneau, Alaska
The observer notes the coldest half of the year may be over in terms of Earth and frozen landscape, in Alaska. The darkest part of the year being over, follows shortly thereafter.

28° F - 7:00 pm, 12/20/2021
29° F 8:00 m hour 12/20/2021
29° F 9:00 pm hour 12/20/2021
29° F  10:00 pm hour 12/20/2021
29°F 11:00 pm hour 12/20/2021
29° F 12 (midnight) 12/21/2021
30° F 1:00 am hour 12/21/2021
30° F  2:00 am hour 12/21/2021
31° F 3:00 am hour 12/21/2021
32° F 4:00 am hour 12/21/2021
32° F 5:00 am hour 12/21/2021
32° F 6:00 am hour 12/21/2021
32° F 7:00 am hour 12/21/2021
32° F 8:00 am hour 12/21/2021
32° F 9:00 am hour, 12/21/2021

7:30 pm portable power bank test ... (2 - 3 hours while not paying super close attention attention charge times)

Other Records:
28° F - 10:07 pm, 12/20/2021 (- 5° F in the Victim's Realm)
32° F - 9:49 am 12/21/2021 (- 1° F)

❄❄🌫☁️30° F - 11:03 am... Mid-Winter snowfalls, denser cumulus... a fully snowy world. 🌨 Today is Mid-Winter, in terms of observations. 0° currently in the Victim's Realm.

8:46 am, 3:07 pm (Mendenhall Glacier Sunrise and Sunset)
8:45 am, 3:08 pm (Juneau, Alaska Sunrise and Sunset)

Waning Gibbous 93%
11:15 am 5:11 pm Moonset and Moonrise (in order)

Saturn, Venus, Mercury, the Sun is low on the horizon ...

Wind Chill 22° F (-6° C)

30° F - 1:00 pm
0° in Victim's Realm, current scene

(Weather Trends graph - PAJN)


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