Throughout the week of February 18th - February 24th:
The sky is lightening by 6 am. It’s warmer out today, with traces of humidity throughout the environment (32 degrees F, 99% precipitation, 96%
humidity, wind 4 mph, 35 - 30 degrees, snow, 6 am, Thursday, February 21st, 2019). We had a severely cursed cold sweep throughout the first two weeks of February, with dark energies and empty silences... a presence which held questions - serious inquiry and deep awakening ... a certain kind of darkness would reach, in waves. Usually the occurance was during the hour or two before the sun’s setting. February was filled with such ... A few more cold nights filled the month, 16 degrees, 18 degrees, 13 degrees - the coldest reported temperatures which I’ve observed, yet, is 9-13 degrees, in 2018-2019.
Sunday, February 24th, 2019:
A dark sky above, darker than most. At 5:04 am it is still dark out. As I’m trying to catch the exact moment of light, I notice the moon, at approximately 1/3 of it’s height in the sky. At 5:16 the sky has lightened, yet I would not say, upon detailed observation, that it is not daylight yet. Comparison with charts, in my first 10 years of research into weather patterns, natural trends, data, statistics and observation, reveals information that typically aligns, perfectly, and if not, differs only slightly, with the documented information found online, and likely due to personal perception.
At 5:19 it appears it is almost daylight, at 5:26 it is noticeably even lighter, at 5:29 day retreats once again to night, a rare occurance which happens from time to time... daylight is between 5:35 and 7:15 am...
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