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Records - February and March (2022)

 Very little cold exposure is known to add 30 ° F (theory).

From the negatives to 3° ... in the Victim's realm...

9° F - 9:16 am, 01/08/2022
10° F - 12:04 pm, 01/08/2022 - Waxing Crescent, 40%

21° F - 1:43 pm, 01/09/2022, - 8° F in Victim's Realm, dusty-textured January Snow (depth of Winter... about 2 - 10 days into the depth of 2021-2022 Winter) - Waxing Gibbous, 52%

27° F - 2:48 pm, 01/09/2022, Waxing Gibbous, 52%, -7° (vr)

- 5° F

37° F (sre) - Tuesday, 01/11/2022, Waxing Gibbous, 71%

Waxing Gibbous, 77%

36° F - 7:40 am - The Thirteenth of January, 2022 (a very beautiful greyscale day)... no explanation for unique characteristic tones ... Waxing Gibbous, 84%

37° F, the voivode is in psycholobiographics, schedule, editing and voivodeship ... Waxing Gibbous, 91%

37° F - 8:39 am 01/15/2022 (2°)

37° F - 12:23 pm 01/15/2022

36° F - 2:22 pm, 01/16/2022, 4° F (Victim's Realm)

34° F - 10:28 am, 01/16/2022, 2° Waxing Gibbous, 100%

🌫 27° F - 12:30 pm, 01/18/2022, Waning Gibbous, 99%

Patchy skies? 27° F - 6:16 pm, 01/18/2022, Waxing Gibbous, 99%, - 3° F
(some noticeable detail, at this point, in the patterns found in temperature documentation from this realm; that the voivode's success is, similarly, a temperature drop, as the lack of meeting certain standards, and, since patterns found seven years ago were a follow-up from details found 12 years ago and the details currently are a follow-up from the details found seven years ago = the current details will likely be found to be, accurately so, as they are interpreted now... although the detail is missing /final notes for source-citing/ the single detail the voivode can remember is that if all data matched suspicions, she could prove that her suspicions were accurate, by this time)

28° F - 9:20 am, 01/19/2022 Snowing, when the voivode ends relationship with the victim... the energies are present in the elements.

36° F - 2:46 pm, 01/20/2022 Waning Gibbous, 91% 4° (Victim's Realm, Cloudy)
39° F - 5:15 p5m, 01/21/2022, Waning Gibbous, 83% 5° (rain over snowy melting landscape, January)

30° F - 10:45 am, 2/4/2022, (1°in the Victim's realm - rain) the voivode is in testing, they feel that they have found some very valuable information about the victimhood: when a Victim's case is very very dark, and what it actually might be, there is a block which begins to come up, against cannibalistic activity, which would befall a victim at some point in thier timeline - this is very positive news - what else is important about this kind of setting? It passes E.O.B.A. ...

It is starkly Winter at every attempt, (for a voivodeship), in both the environment, and soul and spirit realms - this has become extremely revealing about the world of crime. The voivode thinks, only about 25 - 80% could be explained in any other way, and leans that it's far over 90% revealing, factually, when discussing actual science, it is sade to say - this thought is the most prominent for a scientific mind. 📓

Snowing, 14% Waxing Crescent.

The moon rose at 9:26 am, it is 932,986 miles away ... the moon will set at 9:32 pm, it is very Wintery (category: late Winter)... the sun is rising earlier and setting later (noticeably, at this point), then, there are darker days attesting to the night in Winter... even after yearly marks in darkness and light. Themes: dark, foreboding, the widow ...

Orion vs. Aldabaran.

The Voivode discovers the most likely core motives behind torture... (she thinks: Jealousy).
"It seems that Lauren becoming a figure so bright in the world of art, fantasy, beauty, and everything which was so beautiful about the world, now, because of her ... was something unexpected... people were used to a young, petite, artistic feminine brunette of the artistic and vampiric community, she had not yet become a figure like this, which stated, about her, spiritually, how beautiful the ideas of inner world, really were.

If I were to really reiterate: The art was not a masterpiece of Baal... it was independent in that sense. Following, was, a beautiful love story, of trauma, and tragedy, but sincerely, also,, of the most famous realms, an ageless resting and burial grounds, one day, becoming, likely, an archeological society.

7:46 am Sunrise - Juneau
7:47 am Sunrise - Valley
🌫🌧41° F - 8:41 am, 02/08/2022 1:40 am Moonrise 9:57 am Moonset, 2° Cloudy (Victim's Realm)

In this past Winter, the above photo depicts the undocumented tones and themes of The Environment. (Winter/Fall 2021 - 2022, folkloric, edm and lym, under the enemies of Baal and Ashteroth, the victim's reel)

42° F - 10:13 am, 02/08/2022, 5° F in the victim's realm, Waxing Gibbous, 52%, benetnash and neptune stand out, and algol.

42° F - 11:00 am, 02/08/2022 5° F victim's realm
42° F - 12:00 am, 02/08/2022
42° F - 1:00 pm, 02/08/2022
43° F - 2:00 pm, 02/08/2022
43° F - 3:00 pm, 02/08/2022
43° F - 4:00 pm, 02/08/2022
43° F - 5:00 pm, 02/08/2022
43° F - 6:00 pm, 02/08/2022
🌧43° F - 7:23 pm, 02/08/2022 5° F victim's realm
🌧42° F 8
🌧?42° F 9
🌧?42° F 10
🌧?43° F 11
🌧?43° F 12 02/09/2022
43° F 1
43° F 2
43° F 3
43° F 4
45° F 5
45° F 6
🌫☁️45° F 7
☁️45° F  8
☁️45° F 9
☁️45° F 10
☁️45° F 11 6° F
☁️43° F - 12:31 pm
☁️ 45° F - 1:13 pm, 02/09/2022, 7° F in victim's realm
48° F
48° F
43° F - 4:32 pm, 02/09/2022
45 5
42 6
43 7
42 8
42 9
41 10
39 11
39 12
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37 11

Other Records:
☀️36° F - 9:08 am, 02/10/2022 (-1°)
☀️37° F - 11:20 am, 02/10/2022 (0° posted in the victim's  realm)

37 12
38 1
37 2
36° F 3:05 Waxing Gibbous, 73%
34 4
34 5
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32 10
34 11 02/10/2022
34 12 02/ 11/ 2022
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40 11 02/11/2022
40 12 02/12/2022
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41 7

8 40
9 41

34° F - 10:30 am 02/11/2022
36° F - 7:24 pm 02/11/2022
Ursa Major is in notes of Alaskan observers

☁️☀️ (partial sun through clouds at one point) 39° F - 10:19 am, 02/12/2022 Waxing Gibbous, 86%

6:35 am, today, was the moonset 02/12/2022
11:40 am was the moonrise

Sunrise and Sunset for 02/12/2022: 7:34 am, 4:48 pm...
The tide is high... maybe 5-10 below coastline (Widow, Glacier Highway)

41° F - 11:18 am 02/12/2022
12 42
1 42
41° F - 2:13 pm, 02/12/2022

39° F - 4:53 (the moon is out), 02/12/2022, 3° in victims realm

36° F - 4:22 pm, 02/14/2022

A strange faded light, haunting and heavenly, a dim, yet brightly spiritually illuminating amber/halogen glow, beyond a dusky evening sky of charcoal and faded purple overcast light drizzling rains.💧☁️🌫🌠🌌 The light of an angel.

39° F - 4:57 pm, 02/18/2022

Some data missing between photos:

37° F - 11:37 am, 02/19/2022

37° F - 4:03 pm 02/19/2022

Some records missing

36° F - 12:21 am

30° F - 3:59 pm (- 2° F) 02/20/2022

Demonic activity is interpreted, in observation, by the voivode. Ellery D. Margay is a presence noted by the researcher, as having some ability in the case to eliminate ides which these demon's attempt to carefully weave into existence to bring some impression or idea upon a subject... he brings the victimhood to a level which is worse enough to block ideas which are too gruesome while a subject is this kind of torture victim.

Close-up observations of the history of 10801 and Ellery D. Margay.

25° F 10:01 pm (-7° F, victim's realm)

21° F - 5:58 am, 02/21/2022
(-8° in the victim's realm)
23° F - 8:31 am, 02/21/2022 Waning Gibbous 73%

(- 11° at 8:57 am)

The researcher has been looking for a source, which ties into scripture, about the subject of Widows. The first indications of aging are linked to the topic - when it is determined that someone is going to be married in the future. Satanic persecution follows, and this is to cause the Satanic to be a persecutor... in order to prove "the type".

The worse of the whorey section of psychobiographics, in points, appears to be 1 R.P. ... and that might be the highest point of that "type", in that region of the person (Lauren's Ellery), with that region being the only region like that ... and 1 possible or 5-7 seen, possible, victim's, being the higher points of the being, in existence. A historical Ellery, on record, isn't seen as being any "Lauren's Ellery". It looks not to be "outside of incest" ... the person is a Lauren.

The widow is worried it's actually only 1 body-persohality and therefore 1 person in psycholobiographics. The widow is also worried that she's overlooking the full scale of the 1 person.

The Widow can establish that the level of ridiculous, of the rights, of the Widow and her husband, might be why he was tortured and she was psychologically tortured / physiologically. B.C. / E.C.

41° F - 2:24 pm 02/28/2022


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