B O D Y H E A T D O C U M E N T (by LYM)
Begin your attempt at Southeast, AK, Survival with the many layers, and a life of survivalism to test skills ... Beginning in January, February, May - ideal - if your overall attempt is to begin learning ... (this is to know what gear will keep you warm and provide sustinence/security regardless of assets) ... If you are planning to attempt Southeast, AK Survival ITR or in APOC (a realm full of the "real" experience)... begin with a few gear tests close to your home, and then test again in the more severe scenarios, taking all primary information known to suffice in the wild, with you. [1]
Layers of microthermal, modern high-end polyester heat "tech" gear from modern sites which will stay up for a long time are not always suggested, yet these will last at least 20 years and pair well with your other layers (REI, Under Armour, Gap, Athleta, Grundens, GAGE, guy cotton, Marmot, The North Face, Columbia, Smart Wool, O'niell/Billabong, Volcom)... [2]
Layers: microthermal, polyester, anything listed as high-tech heat gear from these stores + denim, cotton/sweatshirts, down, wool, silk, neoprene, reflective blankets, thermarests, USB heated clothing pads and hand crank gear (+ power banks which will last, lighter, waterproof raingear ... athletic wear is the best for some of these layers, the outer layers should be hardware gear: carhartt, gage, grunden, stormr or rainwear fishing gear/coats). [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
Cinnamon is a good herb for drying an area out and blocking mold. [9, 10] Use these constituents listed in the sources and source articles - constituents are usually used in this method ... Possibly add some devil's club into your wood cache, and begin propagating devil's club around your site, with the other crops listed above, also lining your site. [11]
Bushcrafting is also ideal, to build a structure around you which is sturdy and enough to block wind, rain, cold drifts, is the will of God. [modern structures for art, carpentry in the Bible, the modern practice of shelter building as a hobby, the importance of a structure, listing tents and housing in scripture, even the less admired population was housed -12, 13, 14] Hand warmers were listed as an essential, not immediately recognized, yet, later on, if you're out of power and firewood or any method of heat, walking back to civilization is best with 8 hour hand and feet warmers. [15] Don't limit yourself in your building methods or endeavors, bushcrafting as a modern art is advised for therapy, during the adventure, and as a psychic gift. [16]
Use a cot when camping to keep your down sleeping bag off ground and dry - the goose down technology will operate better. When using goose down thermal gear, also pair with other thermal gear (wool, USB or techheat gear, a fireplace, even if small, and some theorize that neoprene is the best outer layer) [17] Supplies for building are possibly another necessity, many people may encounter the reality of having to move due to seasons, plant decline, activity along the coastline. [18] Exercise, to keep moving, and always warm. [19] Food to stay warm and full of energy, for the work and lifestyle. [20] Workplace, to keep earnings and supply your endeavor of wilderness survival. [21]
Wool: usually stays dry anyways and reflects heat while returning it, also, and is overall insulating. [22] Down: returns body heat, the technology have to do with the direction of air, and from the nerves of the feathers (a quality of birds). [23] Cotton: basic insulation of normal clothes. [24] Modern thermal wear: is modern/designed to return body heat, keep warm, and insulate. [25] Silk: breathable, returning of heat, an outer middle layer (some notes: other fabrics are also used in layers - satin, velvet, flannel...). [26] Neoprene: keeps dry, returns and insulates (technology of wetsuits). [27] Rainproof: keeps dry. [28] Electronic heat gear: warms from the inside, creates heat to return. [29] Hand crank electronics: so as not to run out of heat. [29] Power banks: to keep storage and allow for more energy on-hand. [29] Lighter or fire starter: backup heat. [30] Thermarest: an extra layer of insulation which is thick and for keeping a bed warm. [29]
Heat lamps or heat flashlights with rechargeable batteries are great too... [29] Possibly keep them on at night and directed at your down sleeping bag in order to heat the globe, through your aura, even more. [arctic climates, 30] Tarps, rope: (conserve by creating permanent loops for your camp), and secure your campsite this way. [31] Clips, saw, shovel, hydrated lime, firebrick, tent, sleeping bag, herbs (even agelessness), and heat herbs, survival seeds for garden, emergency camping food and supplies, guides, maps and GPS also provide a warmer system. [31]
This informational page you are reading is for a voivodeship, and is an example of guides and work, which, posted as artistic pages, create better profiles and add to a list of completed works. [32] When looking for heat constituents in plants, identify the usages of the plant by the energy signatures of the plant/s, it is not advised to then use a plant based on this observation, but those which you have already identified, to further study the medicinal properties. [33] Along the coastline there is alot to harvest from. [34] Up to 50% of body heat loss radiates from head and neck. [uaa.alaska.edu - 35]
Exercise will keep you warm when you are cold but both refilling your energy and eliminating the sweat is a factor in maintaining your core temperature. [36]
A 2,000 calorie diet will have an affect on your health and your body heat. [37]
I think that drinking enough water will also affect the ratios in your body, properly, for keeping your body warm. [37, b.]
Use insulation, but attempt not to create layers that will not bring about a mold. [38]
Materials are known to add heat. A list of about 40 survival items. [39]
Being more active, in general, will warm you also through the day. [26]
An alarm is probably neccessary for tending a fireplace, and never sleeping too close or leaving a fire as an "open" fire is important, instead, use resistant glass doors or screen for your fireplace. [41]
Transportation/Laundry money may be neccessary if you're outdoorsy. [45] Links to backup supplies, access and money is usually neccessary. Incorporating Constituents into recipes (such as garlic, red Hot Chili peppers, salsa, immortality and Ageless herbs) will add more warmth. [48] Line camp sites in Mylar. [46] Make sure that you can recycle everything (batteries and more, having the business addresses and drop-offs ready, before buying anything). [47] Furs are sometimes used. [Ref: the history of trade in Alaska, and 49]
Use all materials available to you (more materials also equate to more energy, and may warm your site). [29]
A fire is best, do not get lost in the woods, use trail tape every three feet, and pick dispersed branches through the forest... Replace any amount taken from the Foliage by planting trees in the Spring... and possibly save a better firewood cache as the environment is cooler when people practice environmentalism. [48] Simply keep your fire warm enough to restart 3 - 5 times in a day (matches/lighters). [48] Wear many Layers. [throughout this article]
Getting all of your nutrition in a day is very important... [48] Three meals, and of a certain caloric intake, and protein intake, while still fulfilling all nutritional needs... and possibly being very active in the Winter... are advised, in notes. [48]
(Date of post: January 3rd, 2022, The research for this article: November, 2021 - january 2022, this Document is still being edited)
[1] Focusing on Apply Logic, Shelter Building and Set Priorities, specifically, from an .edu document, found in a Google search: "testing+survival+skills+in+the+wild+.edu", the document, titled "Survival Skills 101", is available for download, from csustan.edu, simply enter Google search into search engine, research in Mid-Winter, 2021-2022, and gear tests from April, 2021 (APOC 1) by LYM, Glacier Highway Observatory and City of Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[2] 6 Tips on Staying Warm During Cold Weather Sports From An Olympic Athletic Trainer, an informational page, usa.edu, March 2018, Distance Programs, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[3] "microthermal", a definition, merriam-webster.com, URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/microthermal, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021-2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[4] "technology", a definition, merriam-webster.com, URL: , by LYM, Mid-Winterr 2021- 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[5] "denim has all of the properties of a good insulator -- its lower density reduces its thermal conductivity, which means it minimizes the transfer of heat from one material (your home) to another (the air around your home)", from a Google search: "does+denim+insulate" and "denim+insulation", December 29th, 2021, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM and a document, A PRIMER ON COLD WEATHER SYSTEMS FOR FIELD WORK, (Cold Weather clothing systems, pg. 3), Jon C. Denner, pubs.usgs.gov, 1993, Research by LYM, (December 29th, 2021), Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[6] a. the article mentions feather evolution, "Bristles before down: a new perspective on the functional origin of feathers an article from (web URL): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25756292/, Walter S. Persons, Phillip J Currie, ©️ 2015, keywords: Paleontology; bristles; dinosaurs; feather evolution. research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021-2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM, and another article b. found in research by LYM (December 30th, 2021) Z329 Evolution of Feathers Science-2014.pdf - (Google keyword search)
[7] a list of websites and their information about heat tech (Cold Weather gear):
https://armynavyoutdoors.com/swiss-army-style-wool-blanket/?gclid=CjwKCAiAzrWOBhBjEiwAq85QZ-VJ2gcDoo-zMQFimscKV096VzSoIWHazKSfWOvhgadablvBvxRBVBoC6McQAvD_BwE (wool blankets - red cross, smartwool, Varma)
stormrusa.com, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[8] The first fact noted, that the functionality of your gear relies upon the maintenance and stability, with notes of survivalists being that a dry goosedown sleeping bag, is ideal, and that the maintenance of your gear is what your survival is partly reliant upon, some of these notes are found in an article "Staying Warm in Cold weather: Tips from an emergency medicine and survival expert", Daniel Bachmann, MD, January 22nd, 2021, web URL: https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/blog/staying-warm-in-cold-weather, research by LYM, December 29th, 2021, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[9] "Mechanisms, clinically curative affects ..." an article from pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, March, 2012, web URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22594097/, G.S.W., J.H.D., Y.H.M., M.S., B.L., research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, December 29th, 2021, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[10] Cinnamon is warming and anti-inflammatory, web URL: https://bastyr.edu/recipes/warming-chai-tea, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021-2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM (other herbs listed: garlic, onion, fireweed, devil's club, cayenne, red hot chili peppers, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, anise, vanilla
[11] a document and list of pages from the researcher's earlier section of sources (subjects) Alaska Native and History, looking through and reading all of the pages will help a reader better understand Alaska Native History, in terms of Survival, the researcher recalls that the use of constituents was previously listed as a method, some constituents were local, and some were higher-end, from Canada, including constituents used in the building of hot springs, earlier research of LYM, Winter 2004 - 2006, (category: "Hidden"), web URL:http://ankn.uaf.edu/curriculum/Athabascan/Athabascans/appendix_a.html, ankn.uaf.edu, August 17th, 2006, research collected in Winter, 2021-2022, by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801
[12] materials for the tabernacle, "... 6 blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen... ", (from Exodus 35), one researcher (LYM), notes that the point regarding design is important, and thus, mentioned, when reading this scripture, in terms of divinity and design, or structures for the inhabitant that have direction from a higher power... " ...in terms of long-term survival, the instructions may have been very specific for a reason ..." (thoughts of LYM, whose career and education has its foundation in Christianity - " ...long term study of 20 years."), source - KJV Holy Bible, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[13] Jesus The Builder, Mark 6: 1 - 6, "... the carpenter's son... ", KJV The Holy Bible, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, Mid-Winter, 2021 - 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[14] "What is The Significance of Tents in The Bible?", from a Google keyword search: bible+verses+tents, KJV The Holy Bible, research, by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[15] results, a forum, and research, in psychobiographics, about the additional supply - (hand warmers), web URL: https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/157577-Hot-Hands-warmers/page4, found I Google keyword search, LYM, Mid-Winter 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[16] Modern Art, Pinterest, search: "modern+art+bushcraft", Mid-Winter, 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, research by LYM, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[17] Helinox Lite Cot (Black), rei.com, web URL: https://www.rei.com/product/158009/helinox-lite-cot?CAWELAID=120217890006688494&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=100550564596&CATCI=aud-1396942687155:pla-894252244076&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_1580090001%7C92700053301274914%7CTOF%7C71700000066415392&gclid=CjwKCAiA8bqOBhANEiwA-sIlN_-4DfZYn-H2NWr5KZUoU4gm7-MLJOIpS2wNmO9tlx5ssKiyS0VB2hoC8zgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds, research by LYM, Mid-Winter, 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: https://www.rei.com/product/158009/helinox-lite-cot?CAWELAID=120217890006688494&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=100550564596&CATCI=aud-1396942687155:pla-894252244076&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_1580090001%7C92700053301274914%7CTOF%7C71700000066415392&gclid=CjwKCAiA8bqOBhANEiwA-sIlN_-4DfZYn-H2NWr5KZUoU4gm7-MLJOIpS2wNmO9tlx5ssKiyS0VB2hoC8zgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
[18] "Mobile (nomadic) cultures": and the politics of mobility: Insights from Indigenous Australia, (the article mentions "recent 'mobility turn' in the social sciences"), Sarah Prout Quicke and Charmaine Green, December, 2018, web URL: https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/publications/mobile-nomadic-cultures-and-the-politics-of-mobility-insights-fro, Research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, New Years Eve, 2021, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[19] a. "FITNESS TIPS FOR STUDYING ABROAD IN A COLD CLIMATE", The Californian Abroad | universityofcalifornia.edu, March, 2017, (an informational page), web URL: https://blog.uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu/fitness-tips-cold-climate/, Research by LYM, New Years Eve, 2021, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
b. The wonders of winter workouts, December 1, 2018, an article, Harvard Health Publishing, web URL: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-wonders-of-winter-workouts, Research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, January, 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[20] a topic, Columbia University, the page notes affects, 01/09/1996, web URL: https://goaskalice.columbia.edu/answered-questions/does-eating-fat-keep-body-warm-winter, research by LYM, Mid-Winter, 2021-2022, Mendenhall Loop, Mendenhall (Juneau), Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[21] a. The Power of Purpose, an informational page, July 21st, 2013, A.F., web URL: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/out-the-darkness/201307/the-power-purpose, research by LYM, Mendenhall Loop Road, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
b. An article highlighting the importance of goals and purpose, J.A. Smith, January 10th, 2018, web URL: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_to_find_your_purpose_in_life, research by LYM, Mendenhall Loop Road, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801, Mid/Late - Winter, 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[22] Staying Warm Outdoors in Winter, dhhs.nh.gov, "Wool is the best fabric to use ...", from a Google search: wool+is+the+most+insulating+.gov, research by LYM, January, 2022, Mendenhall Loop Road, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801, web URL: Independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[23] refer to source (cited) [6] a. and b.
[24] refer to source citing [5], "Cold weather clothing systems, pg. 3", from the document in source
[25] an article, About the Thermal Conductivity of Multi-Layer Clothing, Yordan Kyosev, 2013, web URL: https://www.academia.edu/22240479/About_the_Thermal_Conductivity_of_Multi_Layer_Clothing, research by LYM, Jaunary, 2022, Auke Lake, (Juneau), AK,99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[26] Modern tech (silk liner), a website for high - end backpacking and outdoor gear, web URL: https://www.rei.com/product/850427/cocoon-silk-mummy-liner?CAWELAID=120217890000855874&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=100549972796&CATCI=aud-1396942687355:pla-433549466361&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_8504270002%7C92700053307854101%7CTOF%7C71700000062011442&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI97vfuL6R9QIVpjytBh0WowCAEAQYASABEgKp_vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds, January, 2022, research by LYM, Auke Lake, (Juneau), AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[27] History of the Wetsuit, Divers Institute of Technology, web URL: https://www.diversinstitute.edu/history-of-the-wetsuit/, research by LYM, January, 2022, Mendenhall Library, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[28] refer to citing [1] and [8]
[29] Combined Heat and Power Basics, energy.gov, a page, web URL: https://www.energy.gov/eere/amo/combined-heat-and-power-basics, research by LYM, January, 2022, Mendenhall Library, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801 web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[30] arctic climates, "Arctic Climate Connections Curriculum: A Model for Bringing Authentic Data into The Classroom", an article, found in Google websearch: arctic+climates+.edu+.gov, Anne U. Gold, Karin Kirk, Deb Morrison, Susan Lynds, Susan Buhr Sullivan, Andrey Grachev, Ola Presson, 2015, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, January, 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[31] Well-Being Concepts, October 31st, 2018, web URL: https://www.cdc.gov/hrqol/wellbeing.htm, research by LYM, January, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[32] The Voivodeship Governor's Role in Health Safety, 01/07/2018, Miroslaw Karpiuk, Jaroslaw Kostrubiec, the document on voivodeships also mentions "tasks", from academia.edu, web URL: https://www.academia.edu/36951880/The_Voivodeship_Governors_Role_in_Health_Safety, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, January, 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[33] learning about the medicinal properties of plants, through plant energy (signatures) and appearance ... an informational page, from The U.S. Forest Service, web URL: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/ethnobotany/medicinal/index.shtml, research by LYM, January, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[34] Outdoor Camp and Skills Clinic, an informational page, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, web URL: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=outdooreducation.main, research by LYM, January, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[35] Remote Travel Safety Guide, published by the University of Alaska Risk Management Team, copyright 2003, "... up to 50% of loss of body heat radiates from head and neck areas... ", research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[36] a. Cold-induced sweating syndrome, an article, web URL: https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/cold-induced-sweating-syndrome/, research by LYM, Mid-Winter, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
b. Thermoregulation, from an article "Staying Cool When your Body is Hot", Chantal A. Vella, M.S., and Len Kravitz, unm.edu, web URL: https://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/thermoregulation.html, Research by LYM, Mid-Winter, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801
c. Cold Exposure: Ways the Body Loses Heat, web URL: https://www.mottchildren.org/health-library/tw9037, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2022 , Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: Independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[37] a. Dietary References Intake - National Agricultural Library, from nal.usda.gov, and the Google websearch: physiology+.edu+scientists+reccommend+2,000+calories+a+day+and+8+8+oz.+glasses+of+water, the detailed four part document, and reference, also serves as a guide for nutritional intakes (planning) for people, Jennifer J. Otten, Jennifer Pitzi Hellwig, Linda D. Meyers, ©️, 2006, National Academy of Sciences, research from January 3rd, 2022, by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
b. An article, highlighting the importance of water, suggests 2.0L - 3.2 L a day (average amount), (pg. 73), 2005, web URL: https://www.nap.edu/read/10925/chapter/6, research by LYM, January 3rd, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[38] Outdoor Action Guide to Winter Camping, an informational page mentioning insulation, from Princeton.edu, 1995 - 2010, Rick Curtis, web URL: https://www.princeton.edu/~oa/winter/wintcamp.shtml, research by LYM, January 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: Independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[39] the discovery that a water bottle added to the decimal amount of temperatures during a Frigid April gear test (LYM, an artist who uses recyclables in work; the creation of functional art) thinks that materials, or even recyclables ♻️, as art sculptures, will add anywhere from 2 to 7 degrees in the temperature of a campsite, and a reference to renewable energy in systems - The Power of Renewables ... 2010, web URL: https://www.nap.edu/read/12987/chapter/6, research by LYM, January 3rd, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[1] Focusing on Apply Logic, Shelter Building and Set Priorities, specifically, from an .edu document, found in a Google search: "testing+survival+skills+in+the+wild+.edu", the document, titled "Survival Skills 101", is available for download, from csustan.edu, simply enter Google search into search engine, research in Mid-Winter, 2021-2022, and gear tests from April, 2021 (APOC 1) by LYM, Glacier Highway Observatory and City of Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[2] 6 Tips on Staying Warm During Cold Weather Sports From An Olympic Athletic Trainer, an informational page, usa.edu, March 2018, Distance Programs, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[3] "microthermal", a definition, merriam-webster.com, URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/microthermal, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021-2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[4] "technology", a definition, merriam-webster.com, URL: , by LYM, Mid-Winterr 2021- 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[5] "denim has all of the properties of a good insulator -- its lower density reduces its thermal conductivity, which means it minimizes the transfer of heat from one material (your home) to another (the air around your home)", from a Google search: "does+denim+insulate" and "denim+insulation", December 29th, 2021, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM and a document, A PRIMER ON COLD WEATHER SYSTEMS FOR FIELD WORK, (Cold Weather clothing systems, pg. 3), Jon C. Denner, pubs.usgs.gov, 1993, Research by LYM, (December 29th, 2021), Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[6] a. the article mentions feather evolution, "Bristles before down: a new perspective on the functional origin of feathers an article from (web URL): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25756292/, Walter S. Persons, Phillip J Currie, ©️ 2015, keywords: Paleontology; bristles; dinosaurs; feather evolution. research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021-2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM, and another article b. found in research by LYM (December 30th, 2021) Z329 Evolution of Feathers Science-2014.pdf - (Google keyword search)
[7] a list of websites and their information about heat tech (Cold Weather gear):
https://armynavyoutdoors.com/swiss-army-style-wool-blanket/?gclid=CjwKCAiAzrWOBhBjEiwAq85QZ-VJ2gcDoo-zMQFimscKV096VzSoIWHazKSfWOvhgadablvBvxRBVBoC6McQAvD_BwE (wool blankets - red cross, smartwool, Varma)
stormrusa.com, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[8] The first fact noted, that the functionality of your gear relies upon the maintenance and stability, with notes of survivalists being that a dry goosedown sleeping bag, is ideal, and that the maintenance of your gear is what your survival is partly reliant upon, some of these notes are found in an article "Staying Warm in Cold weather: Tips from an emergency medicine and survival expert", Daniel Bachmann, MD, January 22nd, 2021, web URL: https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/blog/staying-warm-in-cold-weather, research by LYM, December 29th, 2021, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[9] "Mechanisms, clinically curative affects ..." an article from pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, March, 2012, web URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22594097/, G.S.W., J.H.D., Y.H.M., M.S., B.L., research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, December 29th, 2021, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[10] Cinnamon is warming and anti-inflammatory, web URL: https://bastyr.edu/recipes/warming-chai-tea, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021-2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM (other herbs listed: garlic, onion, fireweed, devil's club, cayenne, red hot chili peppers, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, anise, vanilla
[11] a document and list of pages from the researcher's earlier section of sources (subjects) Alaska Native and History, looking through and reading all of the pages will help a reader better understand Alaska Native History, in terms of Survival, the researcher recalls that the use of constituents was previously listed as a method, some constituents were local, and some were higher-end, from Canada, including constituents used in the building of hot springs, earlier research of LYM, Winter 2004 - 2006, (category: "Hidden"), web URL:http://ankn.uaf.edu/curriculum/Athabascan/Athabascans/appendix_a.html, ankn.uaf.edu, August 17th, 2006, research collected in Winter, 2021-2022, by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801
[12] materials for the tabernacle, "... 6 blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen... ", (from Exodus 35), one researcher (LYM), notes that the point regarding design is important, and thus, mentioned, when reading this scripture, in terms of divinity and design, or structures for the inhabitant that have direction from a higher power... " ...in terms of long-term survival, the instructions may have been very specific for a reason ..." (thoughts of LYM, whose career and education has its foundation in Christianity - " ...long term study of 20 years."), source - KJV Holy Bible, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[13] Jesus The Builder, Mark 6: 1 - 6, "... the carpenter's son... ", KJV The Holy Bible, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, Mid-Winter, 2021 - 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[14] "What is The Significance of Tents in The Bible?", from a Google keyword search: bible+verses+tents, KJV The Holy Bible, research, by LYM, Mid-Winter 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[15] results, a forum, and research, in psychobiographics, about the additional supply - (hand warmers), web URL: https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php/157577-Hot-Hands-warmers/page4, found I Google keyword search, LYM, Mid-Winter 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[16] Modern Art, Pinterest, search: "modern+art+bushcraft", Mid-Winter, 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, research by LYM, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[17] Helinox Lite Cot (Black), rei.com, web URL: https://www.rei.com/product/158009/helinox-lite-cot?CAWELAID=120217890006688494&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=100550564596&CATCI=aud-1396942687155:pla-894252244076&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_1580090001%7C92700053301274914%7CTOF%7C71700000066415392&gclid=CjwKCAiA8bqOBhANEiwA-sIlN_-4DfZYn-H2NWr5KZUoU4gm7-MLJOIpS2wNmO9tlx5ssKiyS0VB2hoC8zgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds, research by LYM, Mid-Winter, 2021 - 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: https://www.rei.com/product/158009/helinox-lite-cot?CAWELAID=120217890006688494&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=100550564596&CATCI=aud-1396942687155:pla-894252244076&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_1580090001%7C92700053301274914%7CTOF%7C71700000066415392&gclid=CjwKCAiA8bqOBhANEiwA-sIlN_-4DfZYn-H2NWr5KZUoU4gm7-MLJOIpS2wNmO9tlx5ssKiyS0VB2hoC8zgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
[18] "Mobile (nomadic) cultures": and the politics of mobility: Insights from Indigenous Australia, (the article mentions "recent 'mobility turn' in the social sciences"), Sarah Prout Quicke and Charmaine Green, December, 2018, web URL: https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/publications/mobile-nomadic-cultures-and-the-politics-of-mobility-insights-fro, Research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, New Years Eve, 2021, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[19] a. "FITNESS TIPS FOR STUDYING ABROAD IN A COLD CLIMATE", The Californian Abroad | universityofcalifornia.edu, March, 2017, (an informational page), web URL: https://blog.uceap.universityofcalifornia.edu/fitness-tips-cold-climate/, Research by LYM, New Years Eve, 2021, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
b. The wonders of winter workouts, December 1, 2018, an article, Harvard Health Publishing, web URL: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-wonders-of-winter-workouts, Research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, January, 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[20] a topic, Columbia University, the page notes affects, 01/09/1996, web URL: https://goaskalice.columbia.edu/answered-questions/does-eating-fat-keep-body-warm-winter, research by LYM, Mid-Winter, 2021-2022, Mendenhall Loop, Mendenhall (Juneau), Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[21] a. The Power of Purpose, an informational page, July 21st, 2013, A.F., web URL: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/out-the-darkness/201307/the-power-purpose, research by LYM, Mendenhall Loop Road, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
b. An article highlighting the importance of goals and purpose, J.A. Smith, January 10th, 2018, web URL: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_to_find_your_purpose_in_life, research by LYM, Mendenhall Loop Road, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801, Mid/Late - Winter, 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[22] Staying Warm Outdoors in Winter, dhhs.nh.gov, "Wool is the best fabric to use ...", from a Google search: wool+is+the+most+insulating+.gov, research by LYM, January, 2022, Mendenhall Loop Road, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801, web URL: Independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[23] refer to source (cited) [6] a. and b.
[24] refer to source citing [5], "Cold weather clothing systems, pg. 3", from the document in source
[25] an article, About the Thermal Conductivity of Multi-Layer Clothing, Yordan Kyosev, 2013, web URL: https://www.academia.edu/22240479/About_the_Thermal_Conductivity_of_Multi_Layer_Clothing, research by LYM, Jaunary, 2022, Auke Lake, (Juneau), AK,99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[26] Modern tech (silk liner), a website for high - end backpacking and outdoor gear, web URL: https://www.rei.com/product/850427/cocoon-silk-mummy-liner?CAWELAID=120217890000855874&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=100549972796&CATCI=aud-1396942687355:pla-433549466361&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_8504270002%7C92700053307854101%7CTOF%7C71700000062011442&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI97vfuL6R9QIVpjytBh0WowCAEAQYASABEgKp_vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds, January, 2022, research by LYM, Auke Lake, (Juneau), AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[27] History of the Wetsuit, Divers Institute of Technology, web URL: https://www.diversinstitute.edu/history-of-the-wetsuit/, research by LYM, January, 2022, Mendenhall Library, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[28] refer to citing [1] and [8]
[29] Combined Heat and Power Basics, energy.gov, a page, web URL: https://www.energy.gov/eere/amo/combined-heat-and-power-basics, research by LYM, January, 2022, Mendenhall Library, Mendenhall, (Juneau), AK, 99801 web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[30] arctic climates, "Arctic Climate Connections Curriculum: A Model for Bringing Authentic Data into The Classroom", an article, found in Google websearch: arctic+climates+.edu+.gov, Anne U. Gold, Karin Kirk, Deb Morrison, Susan Lynds, Susan Buhr Sullivan, Andrey Grachev, Ola Presson, 2015, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, January, 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[31] Well-Being Concepts, October 31st, 2018, web URL: https://www.cdc.gov/hrqol/wellbeing.htm, research by LYM, January, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[32] The Voivodeship Governor's Role in Health Safety, 01/07/2018, Miroslaw Karpiuk, Jaroslaw Kostrubiec, the document on voivodeships also mentions "tasks", from academia.edu, web URL: https://www.academia.edu/36951880/The_Voivodeship_Governors_Role_in_Health_Safety, research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, January, 2022, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[33] learning about the medicinal properties of plants, through plant energy (signatures) and appearance ... an informational page, from The U.S. Forest Service, web URL: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/ethnobotany/medicinal/index.shtml, research by LYM, January, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[34] Outdoor Camp and Skills Clinic, an informational page, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, web URL: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=outdooreducation.main, research by LYM, January, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[35] Remote Travel Safety Guide, published by the University of Alaska Risk Management Team, copyright 2003, "... up to 50% of loss of body heat radiates from head and neck areas... ", research by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[36] a. Cold-induced sweating syndrome, an article, web URL: https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/cold-induced-sweating-syndrome/, research by LYM, Mid-Winter, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
b. Thermoregulation, from an article "Staying Cool When your Body is Hot", Chantal A. Vella, M.S., and Len Kravitz, unm.edu, web URL: https://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/thermoregulation.html, Research by LYM, Mid-Winter, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801
c. Cold Exposure: Ways the Body Loses Heat, web URL: https://www.mottchildren.org/health-library/tw9037, research by LYM, Mid-Winter 2022 , Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: Independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[37] a. Dietary References Intake - National Agricultural Library, from nal.usda.gov, and the Google websearch: physiology+.edu+scientists+reccommend+2,000+calories+a+day+and+8+8+oz.+glasses+of+water, the detailed four part document, and reference, also serves as a guide for nutritional intakes (planning) for people, Jennifer J. Otten, Jennifer Pitzi Hellwig, Linda D. Meyers, ©️, 2006, National Academy of Sciences, research from January 3rd, 2022, by LYM, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
b. An article, highlighting the importance of water, suggests 2.0L - 3.2 L a day (average amount), (pg. 73), 2005, web URL: https://www.nap.edu/read/10925/chapter/6, research by LYM, January 3rd, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[38] Outdoor Action Guide to Winter Camping, an informational page mentioning insulation, from Princeton.edu, 1995 - 2010, Rick Curtis, web URL: https://www.princeton.edu/~oa/winter/wintcamp.shtml, research by LYM, January 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: Independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[39] the discovery that a water bottle added to the decimal amount of temperatures during a Frigid April gear test (LYM, an artist who uses recyclables in work; the creation of functional art) thinks that materials, or even recyclables ♻️, as art sculptures, will add anywhere from 2 to 7 degrees in the temperature of a campsite, and a reference to renewable energy in systems - The Power of Renewables ... 2010, web URL: https://www.nap.edu/read/12987/chapter/6, research by LYM, January 3rd, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[40] theories: that about 40 items, to begin with, are neccessary/ideal in your beginning/intermediate survival practice/lesson plan, and an informational page, "Build A Kit", ready.gov, 11/16/2021, web URL: https://www.ready.gov/kit, research by LYM, January 3rd, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[41] Fireplace Safety, an informational page, phoenix.gov, research by LYM, January, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[45] " ... Hygiene Practices among Urban Homeless... ", Jessica H. Leibler, Daniel D. Nguyen and Debora Perez, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, August 18th, 2018, web URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5580630/#__ffn_sectitle, research by LYM, January 3rd, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[46] the common use of Mylar, in modern bushcraft and gear tests (returns of information: that they are generally affective, raising the temperature around the body by the decimal degree, to 2-7degrees ... results about tech and gear also vary, and may rely on age, and the age of the gear), space blankets are listed on NASA.gov, "Emergency Blankets" as a modern invention, February 11th, 2016, web URL: https://www.nasa.gov/offices/oct/40-years-of-nasa-spinoff/emergency-blankets, research by LYM, January 4th, 2022, Glacier Highway, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[47] Plastics, aluminum, batteries, electronics, hardware gear (raincoats, kayaks, life jackets, tents), everything that you have must be recyclable, and preferably biodegradable or earth friendly ... although your items may last from 5 - 50 years, and 60 years for some items... one day they will perish, and at that time you will need the full list of recycling companies (ex.: call2recycle.com) ... you may also need the names of museums or artistry groups which will take all of the art you can create from scraps you find to be very difficult to recycle, and also have professional supplies and skills in recycling... thorough research and awareness of any nearby artistry companies is neccessary in creating a source sheet for you to refer to, and as a part of your instructional guide/s ... research of LYM, January 4th, 2022, Downtown Juneau, Juneau, AK, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[48] research of LYM, survival in Southeast Alaska, 2010-2022, Southeast, AK, source written January 6th, 2022, by LYM, Juneau, Alaska, 99801, web URL: independent.academia.edu/LaurenLYM
[49] Trapping in Alaska, January 2008, a web page from Alaska Department of Fish and Game, web URL: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=342, research by LYM, January 6th, 2022, Juneau, Alaska, web URL: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=342
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