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Weather Observationalist Data Set 1 - Fall 2021



●1:10 AM 🌙 weather data is missing 

●2AM🌙 weather data is Missing 

●3AM🌙 weather data is Missing 

●4AM🌙 weather data is Missing 

⊙5AM🌙 weather data is Missing 

○☁️ 🌧 🌬6 AM - Missing 🌙

○☁️  🌬7 AM - Missing - (7:08 AM) Sunrise in Juneau and Mendenhall Glacier ☀️🌙

○☁️ 🌬8 AM - Missing 🌙

○☁️ 🌬9 AM - Missing 🌙

○☁️ 42° F - 10:13 AM🌙

○☁️ 43° F - 11:13 AM🌙

○☁️☀️45° F - 12:15 PM (Partially Sunny)🌙

○☀️47° F - 1:18 PM🌙

○☀️45° F (est.) - 2:13 PM🌙

○☀️45° F - 3:17 PM 🌙

○☀️45° F - 4:13 PM 🌙

○☀️45° F - 5:13 PM🌙   

⊙43° F - 6:13 PM   6:12 PM is the moonset … (Sunny until 6 PM) - Nightfall in 6 PM hour ~ 6:12 PM is the moonset … 12% Waning Crescent

● 43° F - 7:13 PM (likely overcast)

● 42° F - 8:17 PM (likely overcast)

●40° F - 9:13 PM (likely overcast)

●10PM - Missing (likely overcast)

●11PM - Missing (likely overcast)

October 3rd, 2021 (Sunday):

☁️●12AM - Missing (likely overcast)

☁️●1AM - Missing (likely overcast)

☁️●2AM - Missing (likely overcast) 2:40 AM is the moonrise •

☁️●3AM - Missing (likely overcast) 🌙

☁️●4AM - Missing (likely overcast) 🌙

☁️🌫⊙5AM - Missing ^ (likely overcast) 🌙

☁️🌫○6AM - Missing (likely overcast) 🌙

☁️🌫○39° F - 7:25 AM ☀️ Sunrise is 7:08 AM in Juneau and Mendenhall (overcast) 🌙

☁️🌫6:22 PM in Lunar Data, is the Moonset …

☁️○ 40° F - 8:13:4 AM 🌙 a slightly lighter overcast…  

🌙 A 9% Waning Crescent and 12% for the past night, or portion of … 

☁️🌧○40° F 9:13 AM cloudy, overcast, a slight bit of rain at 9 or 10🌙

☁️🌧○40° F 10:13 AM cloudy, overcast, a slight bit of rain at 9 or 10 🌙

☁️○41° F 11:13 AM 🌙

☁️🌫○40° F 12:13 PM 🌙 ☀️^☀️^☀️ (3 points of bright light?)

☁️🌫○42° F 1:13 PM🌙

☁️🌫○41° F  2:13 PM🌙

☁️🌫○40° F 3:13 PM🌙

☁️🌫○40° F 4:13 PM🌙

☁️🌧🌫⊙41° F - 42° F 5:13 PM🌙

☁️🌧🌫40° F 6:13 PM 6:22 PM is the moonset • the hour is mostly composed of ●darkness, in the sense that the darkness seems to hover over the city, beyond the clouds, before arrival, as the sun passes, setting … of a vampire's perception. (6:24 PM is the Sunset in Mendenhall Glacier and Juneau, AK)

Data photo depicting the night sky as the sun sets on October 3rd, 2021… at about 6:30 PM, this is the level of light in the sky. The tones in energy and color of the sky, for the 3rd, are depicted in the undertones and overtones of color.

●Libra stands out.•

●Virgo stands out, is behind the sun as the sun sets … •

  • Among the other recent constellations. •

Summary: Greyscale light. Some rainfall early in the morning. Some rainfall at the Sunset and the hour or so before… possibly throughout the day … Yet hardly a rainfall, at times. Mostly, just an overcast day, the very slightest bit dreary.•


●7 PM missing•

●8PM missing•

●9 PM missing•

●10 PM missing•

●11 PM missing•

(likely overcast all of these past hours of missing data)

October 4th, 2021 (Monday)

●12 AM missing•

●1 AM missing•

●2 AM missing•

●3 AM missing•

●4 AM missing 4:12 AM is the Moonrise 🌙

☁️⊙5 AM missing 🌙

Data photo depicting the sky at 5:30 AM (guestimate)... editing later - alarm set for 5:30 AM on October 5th, 2021. A fog, a glow of the light beyond the clouds

The trajectory of the Sun is based upon the observer's perception and Observation: "The Sun rises from the North, over the City of Juneau, (by October 4th, 2021) and at about 5:30 AM the sky is a shade or so lighter in this portion of the end of Summer."

☁️○6 AM missing🌙

☁️○43° F 7:07 AM🌙 7:13 AM is the Sunise ☀️ in Mendenhall Glacier and 7:12 in Juneau

☁️○36° F 8:13 AM 🌙 (noted: 36° at the end of the Summer seems to be different than 36° F at the end of winter… a 40° F temperature is noted as being one beneath the 36° F, with the slight bit of cold detected, as arriving in Winter… whereas from Winter to Summer, a 15°, and traces of the negative temperatures /- 20 to - 1/ are detected from the previous season) 

3% Waning Crescent (9:04 AM)🌙

36° F 9:13 AM

38° F 10:13 AM 

42° F 11:13 AM

41° F 6:18 PM 6:19 PM Sunset

5:45 AM moonrise

6:37 PM moonset 

7:15 AM - Sunrise in Mendenhall Glacier 

7:14 AM - Sunrise in Juneau, Alaska 

36° F 8:33 AM

7:15 am 6:16 PM Mendenhall 

7:14 and 6:16 Juneau  

6:19 PM in Mendenhall Glacier and 6:18 PM in Juneau, Alaska 

41° F 10:39 AM

41° F 12:13 AM

Partially Sunny, bright light … a colorful Southeast Alaskan Seaside theme, brilliant for October 5th, 2021 … turquoise, vibrant coral oranges, deep sky blue and golden bright light (youthful and immortal energies) paint the view of the channel.

Depiction of Sunrise at approximately 5 - 6:30 AM

1% Waning Crescent 

0% Waning Crescent by 4:26 PM, October 5th, 2021

Haunting October.

A victim approaches,

a sanguivore.

Hounds of Hell follow.

A darkness passes over the observer, 

of weight and force.

October 6th, 2021 (Wednesday): 

33° F - 8:13 AM - Precipitation 1%, Humidity 76%, patchy fog… 

The Sun will appear to be up sooner if the skies are clear.

7:17 AM - Sunrise in Juneau

6:13 PM - Sunset in Juneau

7:17 AM - Sunrise in Mendenhall Glacier 

6:13 PM - Sunset in Mendenhall Glacier 

7:19 AM Moonset

6:44 PM is moonrise 

At 9:50 AM the moon is 0% and a Waxing Crescent.

42° F 11:13 AM 

44° F 2:00 PM 

45° F 3:29 PM

44° F 4:13 PM

42° F 5:14 AM

7:34 AM and the sun is up… according to the observer… 

When an observer doesn't have access to weather equipment, the majority of the vampire's guess in weather (temperature) and perception, is accurate, usually only off by 1° and with there being a lot of question about the accuracy of posted records…

A very cool 40° F this morning, pressing over into a high/warm 39° F… the 39° was slightly Summery, while the 40° F was cool - to Fall seasonal records. 

The light beyond the clouds just barely visible at 5 AM. 

Trajectory of the Sun (as the sun begins to light the sky).

Trajectory of the sun (as the Sunrise is listed).

Temperature every hour + data photo (can skip taking photo, by finding data photo that matches online, set the year however, describe any differences, basic description) + all weather data.

Twilights throughout the day. 

Beginning of turning of the day to night.

Notes about Nightfall.

Moon rise, moon set, and all Lunar activity.

Trajectory of the moon at Rise/Set.

Any activity or phenomenon. Any paranormal event, or even, any psychic awareness.

Any events of the sun, light or dark, etc. (any notes).

A record of the cosmos at night.

Observe the moon when you can see it. 

Take notes about the overall settings - weather summaries go with your photos, and in a timeline, describe the timeline in weather observation and provide an image of the environment.

Document any criminal activity. 

Film 1 hour, of street view, city view, house view, forest view, or activity in a building if that is where you're stuck for your observation … regardless, the data is needed (Cosmology, Criminology, Science, …)  … pick whatever hour is easiest for you… a sliding scale may be in this calculation: an observer may choose to film the first hour of darkness considered to be safe for a vampire, so the time may change… but the data tells about something important… if you cannot record for 1 whole hour … simply note the scene for the moments you stop recording, while making a second recording… 

Every angle, from a single point should be covered at all times in paratheology field - this data you obtain also covers, then, a certain part of a realm, and 1 hour of it…

(Amendment II - a right to a militia -

Thursday, October 7th, 2021:

5 AM the observer begins their observation: 

Light is percieved by the observer at 5 am, notes: is just a bit darker recently… 1 - 2 decimal, not quite at 2. 

○7:19 and 7:20 AM is the Sunrise (Juneau, then Mendenhall Glacier)

○By 8 AM (observation): 

Greyscale, light (to medium by 8:35 am), somehow qualities of light were brighter, but level was turned down, ambient in frequency of energy, moving out from Sunset until 8:36 AM, so, spectre - like, moving, was the environment, before a zonal direct line of the Sunrise. 

○☁️🌫41° F - (8:48 AM) 93% Precipitation, 89% Humidity, 14 mph - 8:57 AM is the moonrise 🌙.

○☁️🌫41° F - (slightly warmer 41° F - fall daylight) - (9:16 AM) 93% Precipitation, 89% Humidity, 14 mph - 🌙

○☁️🌫 40° F - 9:13 AM (Fall coming in, but slightly warmer at daylight hours) - 91% Precipitation, 97% Humidity, 14 mph, 

3.0 greyscale (photo is 2.8) … beginning of Fall … S.E. AK, historic, yet modern (2021) - depiction of data at 8:48 AM

Overcast, grey, heavier overcast by less than 1 decimal. The slightest bit of rainfall. 

Criminology Notes: Constructing a voivode for the victim - so, in notes, something like public disputes … very strange activity in an A.W.A.R.E abuse shelter  … a person yelling about something, enough to frighten another person (so, preying)... the researcher remembers that her vampire spouse… is being tortured (common for vampires that it happens and is hidden), the researcher is experiencing what either is or isn't delusion … that she had tortured an elder once because her vampire spouse was horrifically tortured … and to escape, she simply tortured the person enough to run past and save the girl… who was helpless … the man of the woman's wife was furious, but always horrifically tortured the young girl, before the vampire was ever anything but respectful - to the best of their ability - so the vampire didn't know why this was happening - so they were just a victim of sf… ▪️ the awareness is that, the girl who was tortured would previously knock over sewing needles, thread, coffee … once the vampire experienced the havoc wreaked by her vampire spouse - she went completely insane and understood why someone would think to torture … still, on a more sane note - 

No, it's the exact activity a victim must experienced, that they previously committed in crime… if they were a criminal in the first place…. Refer to victim's reel about the rest… 

So, most of the time, the case is closed… because the town of juneau, does have the very history noted in scripture - that they were taken down, and became transcendental victims, yet they were commonly not acting as victims - they had the conduct of criminals … and if it falls into possibly delusion, it simply either arrives As a closed case or an open one… 

So, this became activity to stop a voivode in their attempt to save a victim. 

As far as i know … that is the first bit of sight into the construction of a perfect voivode (type: guide/measuring activity and meaning) - for a victim. 

So, notes about if it's delusion, currently, with the activity from Juneau- being a town that could not stop an aging process (leading to death) that wasn't real… it first is dependent on how much attack the victim and victimologist go through … after the specific victimologist can arrive … the information that the Victimologist arrived is turned in, then the people are looked at.. 

So it's likely that the persecution and torture is why the case is remaining closed… a voivode will be constructed after the victimologist arrives which will meet the criteria, and looking into all people found as "involved" … (they'll be found in the voivode).

So, the Victimologist will not risk a victim, these are the only governmental notes that pertain… for this researcher.. 

The town of juneau was completely criminal, it's complete fair game for a vampire… etc., so refer to KH for the rest.

Other than that, mostly city traffic in notes, normal city level traffic throughout the morning.

○☁️🌫41° F - 12:36 PM 87% Precipitation, 90 % Humidity, 13 mph 🌙

Currently, greyscale, overcast, 3.3 at last observation and 3.4 - 3.5 Currently, S.E. AK, modern, (Atmospheric Theme - City, Traffic and) … photos are in 3.0 greyscales

no notes, a few cold spots this morning… signification of Summer to Fall, a few shades lighter than the dark photo, and blended … 

○☁️🌫41° F - 1:13 AM, 80% Precipitation, 90% Humidity, 13 mph🌙, greyscale, slow world, 10801, midday, grey to S.E. AK brown tones (soil, land, dissipitation), low tones on greyscale in energies, high frequency immortal in atmosphere/environment… 

○☁️🌫41° F - 2:13 PM 80% Precipitation, 90% Humidity, 15 mph, 1 shade darker, deeper tones of emotive (of vampires) darkness, a rainy southeast day … the rain begins to fall over the black of arriving night sky 🌙

1:53 PM, day begins to turn into night.

Summary: 1 shade lighter of photos above 

6:51 PM is the Moonrise

3% Waxing Crescent 2:44 PM 

6:10 PM is the Sunset in Juneau and Mendenhall Glacier 

☁️🌫 41° F 3:13 PM 77% Precipitation, 91% Humidity, 15 mph 🌙 greyscale, 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 

40° F 4:13

40° F 5:13 70% Precipitation, 92% Humidity, 9 mph 5:13 bluescale greyscale clouds… 

40° F  6:13 33% Precipitation, 91% Humidity, 8 mph

41° F  7:13 20% Precipitation, 91% Humidity, 8 mph

                        6:33 PM Nightfall is in bluescale greyscale, then amber… green and red.  in the night's energetic light (metaphysical) 

Depiction of Scene (unseen), present, beyond the clouds… 

Ageless amber and orange death tones, of a Renaissance death… 

Likely the bluescale, and hazy tone of mid to late summer evening sky, at the time of sunset…

The persecution of a woman ...

7:22 AM is the Sunrise in Mendenhall Glacier 

○🌫☁️43° F - 7:44 AM 61% Precipitation, 93% Humidity. 19 mph bluescale greyscale, 2.9

Photo from Sitka. 

Summary: Slightly higher frequency energy than yesterday. 

○🌫☁️44° F - 9:14 AM, 56% Precipitation, 91% Humidity, 18 mph 

Summary: Same as last hour, slightly brown tones.

6:08 PM is the Sunset

10:37 AM is the moonrise 

7:02 PM is the moonset 

○☁️🌫45° F - 10:13 AM  66% Precipitation, 90% Humidity, 18 mph 10:37 AM is the moonrise 🌙

Slightly edm and lym tones, bluescale, greyscale, orangescale, brownscale, light has possibly turned exactly 3.0 at 10:20 AM (4.0 - 5.0 backdrop)... the presence of something dark, with a presence of light within, watches from a distance … a multicolor energy (artistry, bright, hopeful, giving in energy and intents, a positive or well-meaning entity and spirit towards efforts of voivode). 

○☁️🌫44° F - 11:24 AM 87% Precipitation, 92% Humidity, 24 mph 

○☁️🌫44° F - 12:14 PM 87% Precipitation, 92% Humidity, 24 mph

7:02 PM moonset

○🌫☁️ 45° F - 3:24 PM - 94% Precipitation, 91% Humidity, 23 mph🌙

44°F - 4:13 PM 100% Precipitation, 91% Humidity, 24 mph 🌙

Summary: the day turns to bluecale greyscale with chaotic winds 

43° F - 5:15 PM - 94% Precipitation, 92% Humidity, 30 mph 🌙

Summary: the day turns to storm. 

Image depicting energetic tones in the cosmos, and storm weather … all hours after 10:13 AM without data photo slowly, on even scale, escalated to described storm weather, and before 7:30 PM - 8 PM approximately…

Strange sexual demand found at the level of an entity … which, the storm activity unraveled to a storm and stopped after demand of entity was fulfilled… was an Italian man… the observer was not sure if the person had any awareness ar all of this entity- which stated and made points clear… 

9% Waxing Crescent 

43° F 100% Precipitation, 90% Humidity, 26 mph

42° F - 7:14 pm 94% Precipitation, 89% Humidity, 26 mph

9:57 PM - 43 94 87 31

Records for today - "In the 40's" and "Fall" - Today is just a bit colder than May 10th, 2021 to October 8th, 2021… Days in May are warmer than October days in the sense that you're in the Summer half of the year .., and in October, the night's are still possibly a bit warm until the 10th… with May not being very warm at night until the 5th… and, in person, this is evident - the difference. ½ - 1 decimal in a shift, colder,by October 9th, 2021. and the same, at the height of the sky, or distant - a shift warmer in may (May 5th was recorded in 2021 - to be exact) … at the same exact amount (½ - 1).

It was a super beautiful day today in Juneau- i must ask the victim about it because it was that beautiful...


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