Weather Records (17th of August, 2020):
(12 PM, August 17th, 2020)
12:10:12-15 seconds - 56 degrees F, Precipitation 32%, Humidity 90%, Wind 0 MPH, Cloudy
(12 PM hour)OBSERVATIONALIST’S NOTES: “... atmosphere is faded, distant... “
(12 PM hour)SUN: “A medium - high level of light.” (E.D.M.)
(12 PM hour)STARS: “A black light ...” (L.Y.M.)
(25 seconds past 12:10 PM)LUNAR: 3:23 AM (moonrise), 5:23 PM (moonset), 14 hours and 00 minutes, 6.42% visibility, Waning Crescent, 27.12 Days (age), .52 angle, 382, 015.53 km away
(1 PM)
1:10:25 seconds - 57 degrees F, Precipitation 32%, Humidity 97%, Wind 6 MPH, light rain showers
(Within 10 minutes past 1:10 PM)OBSERVATIONALIST’S NOTES:
“The day brightens... “
(Within 7 minutes past 1:10 PM)SUN: “A high level of light at a low level - middle grounds in light - the city’s light.” (E.D.M.)
(Within 7 minutes past 1:10 PM)STARS: The stars lighten ...” (L.Y.M.)
(2 PM)
2:10 - 57 degrees F, Precipitation 48%, Humidity 90%, Wind 3 MPH, light rain showers
(2 PM)OBSERVATIONALIST’S NOTES: “A brightened and youthful immortal energetic to the atmosphere ...”
(2 PM)SUN: “A lower level of light.” (E.D.M.)
(2 PM)STARS: “The stars are a voidal black.” (L.Y.M.)
(2 PM)LUNAR: “Lunar...” (thecrucible)
(3 PM)
3:17 PM (approx.) - 57 degrees F, Precipitation 67%, Humidity 92%, Wind 7 MPH, light rain showers
(3 PM)OBSERVATIONALIST’S NOTES: “A bright day, dimming to greyscale.”
(3 PM)SUN: “A medium level of light (details).” (E.D.M.)
(3 PM)STARS: “The stars are an eerie veiled white light, ghostlike, in distance.” (E.D.M.)
(3 PM)LUNAR: “Bright white.” (thecrucible)
(4 PM)
4:10 pm - 58 degrees F, Precipitation 78%, Humidity 92%, Wind 9 MPH, light rain showers
(within 4 PM hour)OBSERVATIONALIST’S NOTES: “A darkening environment at 4:35 PM.”
(within 4 PM hour)SUN: “A medium level of light (the beginning of sunset).” (E.D.M.)
(within 4 PM hour)STARS: “Multicolored.” (L.Y.M.)
(within 4 PM hour): “A cosmic bright white light.” (thecrucible)
(5 PM)
5:10 PM - 58 degrees F, Precipitation 81%, Humidity 89%, Wind 10 MPH, light rain showers
(5 PM)OBSERVATIONALIST’S NOTES: “A dry and warm environment.”
(5 PM)SUN: “A high level of light.” (E.D.M.)
(5 PM)STARS: “A bright celestial energy of the stars.” (L.Y.M.)
(5 PM)LUNAR: “Purple-toned moon.” (thecrucible)
(6 PM)
6:10 PM - 57 degrees F, Precipitation 66%, Humidity 91%, Wind 11 MPH, light rain showers
(6 PM)SUN: “A high/medium/low level of light.” (E.D.M.)
(6 PM)STARS: “Black stars.” (L.Y.M.)
(6 PM)LUNAR: “A pale/pastel moon.” (thecrucible)
(7 PM)
7:10 PM - 57 degrees F, Precipitation 51%, Humidity 89%, Wind 9 MPH, mostly cloudy
(7 PM)SUN: “A low level of light.” (E.D.M.)
(7 PM)STARS: “The stars are silver.” (L.Y.M.)
(7 PM)LUNAR: “Greyscale.” (thecrucible)
(8 PM)
8:10 PM -
(8 PM)SUN:
(9 PM)
9:10 PM -
(9 PM)SUN:
(10 PM)
10:10 PM - 55 degrees F, Precipitation 32%, Humidity 90%, Wind 0 MPH, Cloudy
(10 PM)OBSERVATIONALIST’S NOTES: A late twilight reveals the smod, glitter and (shadowed, deep purple) dusk [reminiscent] of the past.
(10 PM)SUN: “The sun has set... the sunset was earlier than usual - a setting of darkness.” (E.D.M.)
(10 PM)STARS: “The stars bleed (black blood).” (L.Y.M.)
(10 PM)LUNAR: “A black moon, as Ra.” (thecrucible)
(11 PM)
11:10 PM - 54 degrees F, Precipitation 11%, Humidity 90%, Wind 0 MPH, Cloudy
(11 PM)SUN: “Faded.” (E.D.M.)
(11 PM)STARS: “Descending... of light and color.” (L.Y.M.)
(11 PM)LUNAR: “A bright white light, the night begins with the energetics emanating from the celestial light.”
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